Thursday, December 23, 2021

A Very Seasoned Life... Holiday and Winter Season 2021

A Very Seasoned Life....

22 Seasons … 22 Winter and Holiday Seasons

of Life.... Living on the streets

Entering into the Holiday and Winter Season of 2021. And the starts

of my 22ndWinter and Holiday Season OUTSIDE, living on the streets.

Forced to live in the raw brutality of being outside 24/7 from the turn

of the Century continues and the History being erased along the way.

Twenty-Two Seasons living in and through the Shadow Box of Life, of

Humanity. Seasoned and Simmered Season after endless season....

of Dashed Hopes, Empty in the ruins of Society.

This is supposed to be the most Festive and greatest time of the year....

but living and breathing the streets for so long, I feel no excitement

about the Winter and Holiday Season currently underway.

Another Holiday Season that is Subdued... The Excitement

not lifting the air with the electric pulse as it used to and is once

again muted because of the Manufactured Pandemic and Forced Covid

Injections, along with the never-ending “Variants” while aggressively pushing

Boosters” forcefully and continuing imposed restrictions; must receive

all the injections in order to be allowed into Life.... anywhere

and for everything. To do anything, to go anywhere;

Dining, movies, events (Concerts, Fair, Clubs, Parties, Gyms,

Gatherings of any kind),

Any place and every place where people are...

we are forced to get the Covid Injections, then required to

show Proof of Injections, Everywhere. I Refuse.

Life was already limited on the streets, now completely OFF LIMITS

for even the barest essentials. No longer allowed to live, in any

regard. Life has become unsustainable, unlivable, untenable.

It has become a stew of Hate and Contempt, that is Unforgiving,

Harsh and every word and action has to be fake, inauthentic...

and Politically Correct.

Leaving the Festive Holiday air Deflated and Muted. The

Vibrancy removed, the Festive feel no longer there.

But Holidays are just days, like all the rest.

Spent exactly like all the rest; alone, outside.

The only thing about the Season that affects me, is the weather

and Life, or the remains of what had once been a life.

When your life is cast off to the wayside like trash and debris,

and the Services that are supposed to be there, are non-existent,

Hope Shrivels and the lights Dim.... While the Echoes of Humanity

diminish further into the Peripheral abyss.

Holidays, Seasons, Birthday.... No matter the day, or time of year,

it all feels the same, regardless. But on the Holidays, finding open,

available restrooms to use and cleanup in become more of a

challenge, as well as finding food to eat when most, if not all

places are CLOSED.

Hardships remain, no matter the time of year. And being outside

24/7, makes those much more pronounced. Survival becomes

your Default mode, every moment of day and all throughout the night.

Being on high alert and not being able to let your guard down.

Life is different when it's lived Outside. Having to take everything

into account; Weather, Safety, Food, Shelter, what is open,

what is closed, restroom access and availability; plus, so much

more that consumes life in every regard.

Holidays just make that harder to complete.

The Devastating Toll living on the streets has on your body, your life,

your health and spirit.... is incomprehensible. It leaves scars that will

never heal, like permanent stains that cannot be removed.

Twenty-two Holiday Seasons, twenty-two Winter Seasons...

that is how long I have been on the streets and counting.

With untold more to follow in its wake. That is how long I have

been forced to live, or rather merely exist behind the fumes

of Humanity, on the streets, outside 24/7, without a home.

Family Traditions, visiting friends and family, food, conversation....

None of that holds when your life is on the streets. It becomes a

Tradition of ONE, no visitations (aside from Law Enforcement),

there are no friends or family or warmth... no food (Not in the

traditional sense of what Holiday Food includes...), and

conversations are usually one-sided. Mine, I share with my

notebook and pen, and the many of Nature's Beautiful

furry and feathered friends She brings my way.

But life on the streets has its own nuances.

You are surrounded in Surround Sound, every

moment, of Nature's Chorus.

22 Seasons of having my Hopes lifted, then crushed and Deflated... time

and again. 22 Seasons of living on the edge of Life, in the truest sense.

22 Seasons of being Deserted, Discarded and Forgotten about. 22 Seasons of

unanswered prayers. 22 Seasons of the Unforgiving elements and the hard,

cold ground forever awaiting my presence to resume in the space.

22 Seasons removed from my life.... Taken from me. Time that

I was denied Living in a real, substantial capacity.

Life, my life, shredded into unrecognizable shards, where

threads and particles are all that is left, where there once had

been a living, feeling human being. Now, nothing more than the

sum of what was left behind, taken by force, stolen, ruined and

destroyed. A life in tatters, from the continual

storms of the brutality of life.

Twenty-two Seasons of Living on the Streets.

Seasons of DECADES of Life without a Home.

Holidays 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021... On the Streets

A Note of Thanks.... Giving and Feeling

Gratitude Living on the Streets.

Thanksgiving 2021...

This is my 22nd Thanksgiving without a home, without

any Inclusion for Thanksgiving; No invites, no Family

or friends to share it with, or Food to nourish my body.

But I have much to be grateful for, nonetheless. I have survived

Decades without a Home. Decades of not getting the rest or

nutrition my body needs. I have survived, lived through and endured

the worst of Humanity, while also being on the receiving end, on rare

occasion, of true Humanity and the healing balm of love and kindness.

Thankfully, the endless harassment I was on the receiving end of

for so long by Law Enforcement for just being present has lessened

considerably, and allowed to just BE, though there are many

occasions where my presence rubs people with the pricey homes and

all the accoutrements they have amassed for the show... still calls

the Police to “Remove that from our Sight...” encounters.

But those have lessened, as well.

I have access to a few restrooms to take care of personal

business (albeit, on the Public Movie Screen), at least during

the day. I have Mobility now in the form of a Vehicle, that puts

a roof over my head now (even though it rains inside the vehicle

whenever it rains Outside), but gives me the safety and protection

I have not had for so long. I am deeply grateful to have mobility,

safety and restroom access to help take care of the barest essentials.

Gratitude fills my heart. Nature's Embrace has helped

tremendously spending another

Holiday Season outside without a home.

As the Decades roll by, and the years add up, finding things to

be truly grateful for are becoming harder to find and fewer to

acknowledge, but I am deeply grateful to finally have some

form of Protection from the elements through the ice covered

nights and mornings, from the harsh, high-powered

winds and(mostly) from the rains. Gratitude.... Just so

Thankful to have all I have.

Thanksgiving 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Anniversaries.... Life on the Streets


21st Anniversary of Life on the Streets

Well into the start of my 3rd DECADE of being forced to 

live on the streets. Today marks my 21st Anniversary 

of living, or rather barely

existing through the merest hint of living,

 around the periphery of LIFE.

When there should never have been a 

single anniversary, I have spent 21 of them

outside, without a home.

Living on the streets is hard enough, but being forced to live

under the forced health damaging mandates has turned life

on the streets into pure nightmarish hell. Being forcibly

mandated to receive the “Vaccine” from hell in order to be

allowed to BE or GO anywhere in L I F E now....

or be able to participate in anything; Concerts, Events, Dining,

Theme Parks, Amusement Centers...anything and everything.

life was already limited, and now, completely off limits.

That is not a life, and not a life I want any part of.

Being controlled and monitored everywhere you

go, and in all you do. We are here to Live Our Lives...

not be the Governments' Robots where LIFE is not 

allowed, but only by what and how they 

COMMAND through Forced Compliance.

So the limitations of life has become increased a millionfold.

It makes a tremendous impact having to live on the streets,

through the Government Control that mushroomed

over our lives and health, in the most desecrating manner.

We have long since stopped being a Democracy....

They took it all away; Our Constitutional Rights,

Our Civil Liberties, Our Inherent Rights to BREATHE

and Live OUR lives, forcibly taken away by their

Manufactured “Pandemic” and Manufactured "Viruses"

with health destructive Mandates turning our lives, and 

This Country, into a growing nightmare, one we

will never be able to wake from.

Destroying our Humanity from the inside-out...

while permanently destroying our health with the

Suffocation Devices they call “Face Masks”.

Suicides have skyrocketed into the Stratosphere because of it.

So as another anniversary on the streets unfolds before me,

I wonder how many more are to come.... and how much longer

I will last through them as the Government becomes much

more invasive and intrusive into every cell

of our bodies, while controlling our every movement.

21 Years of Permanent Residence of living on

the streets. I have more than done my time...

Life was never meant to be lived in a prison, but that's

exactly what the government has turned our lives into…

while forcing compliance to their Agenda.

How much longer and how much more until there is

nothing left of me but dust in the wind?...

Remember the V A L U E S this Country used to stand for?

Life, Liberty, Freedom... Remember the

 Constitution Of The United States?

How did our Democracy become so imprisoned in 

Control by a Government who is supposed 

to be working FOR US and

instead exerting complete control over our 

lives, our health and our bodies?

Our Humanity is slipping over the Edge, Precariously

balanced on soft sand as we continue to be ensnared in

the Political Nightmare of Covid-19, and being dragged through

the health destroying Mandates continually being forced on us.

The Covid “Vaccines” have minted 9 New Big Pharma Billionaires.

What a surprise... Big Pharma profiting at OUR Expense.

And all of the Dangerous, Damaging Covid-19 Forced Mandates,

Guidelines and Protocols are akin to them telling us all

to Go jump off the cliff onto the Jagged Rocks below because

it is for “Our Health, Safety and Protection”.

It has the same devastating effects on our lives.

We continue to be the Frogs in the Boiling water.

From our Collective illusion of Democracy to the

Nightmare Realty of Full Fledged Fascism...

Our Tax Dollars Hard at WORK!!

The entire world is receiving a crash course in

Machiavellian tactics and strategy.

The substance and heart has been Mandated Out of LIFE....

taken away and removed. Life, in any measurable

quantity, and in any measurable quality,

is no longer sustainable. We cannot live this way, this

isn't living, and it is not a life... Not one Worth living”,

anyway. We are not allowed to L I V E Our Lives.

We are not allowed to B R E A T H E, not allowed to see

expression, feel or do anything other than what they tell us.

Shelling out the Substance, the Meaning and Purpose...

Leaving behind the Skeletal remains of what life Had 

been, Filled with the GIFT of L I F E, and in its wake

just a Vacuous hole, Like an EMPTY Shadow Box where

the History itself has been erased.

Mandated “Life”.... Mandated “Living”

Our Humanity is being Erased....

Living in a Nightmare.

Getting a roof over my head now, or at any point 

in the future, has become a moot point.... where 

just to have access to a home, I'll be forced 

to get the “Vaccine” in order to 

live inside. I will NOT Consent. My health has 

been severely compromised already as a direct 

result of their forced control in my life.

My Body, My Health... MY Life.... 

none of which are Government Issued, and I will 

not allow them to take command of ME.

So a home in my future, will never likely be the case.

Coming to terms with the hand I was dealt. I will never

accept what has been forced upon me, but I cannot dwell

on never having a real home again, nor will I ever have a

Dwelling to dwell inside of. As the Anniversaries pile up,

life itself becomes more diminished and faded, like

old photos yellowing and curling at the edges.

Our lives being erased from Humanity....

as my life on the streets is being eroded and erased

and covered in Muck, Mired in Quicksand

that is pulling and sucking me into the

depths where life no longer exists.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Birthdays By the Wayside..... My 20th One On the Streets


Birthdays... Unremembered

This marks my 20th Birthday spent on the streets, unremembered by

anyone but myself.... and really, what is the point of Remembering it?

Spent every number from 0-9, and every combination thereof, of them

by myself, on the streets without anyone caring what day it is.

20 Birthdays.... and an untold more to follow

spent on the streets.

Facing my 21st Anniversary of having to live on the streets, while

heading into a devastating 22nd Holiday and Winter Season,

Outside, without a home. So much history has happened

within that time, while my History and existence is

being erased into dust.... Well into my 3rd Decade of

being forced to live outside, without a home.

All the Milestone Birthdays, and the ones that are the

major Markers... all of which, spent on the streets,

Unremembered, Unacknowledged.

Birthdays, just like Holidays, have turned into a Single,

Never-ending Day that goes on forever. Where

everything blends and blurs in a continuous loop.

This one, much like last year's, are so similar, they could

be mirror images.... Fires burning down the state, leaving

so much heart-wrenching hallowed out devastation, while the

skies are blanketed in a murky overcast of smoke,

making the air unbreathable with the thick, heavy smoke

and fumes clogging the air for weeks and months on end.

Still being forced to wear the Suffocation Devices they

call “Face Masks”, as a permanent fixture to our faces, regardless

of the severe health damage they cause, they ignore real

science because it does not fit with their Agenda.

The Government is Aggressively pushing the “Vaccines”

on us, and forcibly Mandating Vaccines in order to

be allowed to be part of life...

That is not a life... and Not a Life I wish to be

part of, Not Now... NOT EVER!!

That isn't living and is not a life worth living,

in any regard. We are Here to LIVE OUR Lives,

not to merely exist at the Government's Command, as their

Puppets on a string, forcing us all to become their

Human Robots...Where we are no longer allowed our Humanity,

Our Voices, Our Lives, Our Bodies. All of which have been seized

by a Government that has forgotten we are Human Beings,

and NOT their property to Destroy, by any means

they choose.

Controlling everything we do, where we go, how we interact,

what we wear, Humanitarian Law is something our Government

is choosing to ignore. Forcing citizens to Comply to their

Agenda, against US.

My Life, My health, My Body are NOT Government issued.

And I refuse to be part of their

Science Experiment as a forced Lab Rat.

So another birthday spent on the streets, in the unbreathable,

                               Smokey air... and no way to get out of the air, no place to go.

Not how I had hoped to spend the day, My Day....

My Birthday, Another Decade of Life, the end of one...

and the beginning of another. And the previous one has

carried right over in continuation into the next.

Our Lives and Health being Decimated by the health

destroying, soul crushing mandates from Hell, which have

become a permanent toxic, destructive, unwelcome

addition to our lives, that has turned living into the worst

Nightmare, a nightmare we will never be able to wake from!

A Very Cruel and Barbaric way to “Celebrate”

another year of being on this planet.

Birthday Greetings from this Prison, formerly

called L I F E.

Monday, January 4, 2021

New Year's 2021...Muted Silence

New Year's 2021... Muted

Life Through Lockdown

The New Year is supposed to be a time of Reflection, of setting Goals,

of a Different Perspective.... have things to look forward to,

to hope for and bring a sense of Renewal. But the start of this New Year

is nothing to celebrate, (as celebrations are not permitted)

in any regard. Forcing us into a permanent Lockdown, and

disintegrating our Humanity... and deeper. Life as we knew

it has been completely destroyed. The Illusion of Democracy, of Freedom,

of our Guaranteed Civil Liberties and Rights were all a dream, and we

have been forcibly dragged into, and ensnared within a Living

Nightmare Reality of Full Fledged FASICSM.

So as one year folds shut, and comes to a close.... the next year unfolds

into the same, carrying over the heavy burden of life, or the

remainder of what had been life.

Our Lives have been irrevocably altered and decimated, while

we are continually dragged through the muck and mire of the

Government actions that have shattered the economy to

pieces and splintered our lives.

Our lives forcibly shut down and we have been permanently banned

from living. Becoming Human Robots....Where we are no longer allowed to

Speak, to think, to believe.... to be Human in any way. Every action, word,

thought and behavior has to be Plastic, no longer allowed to be real

and Authentic, but everything having to be said and done in

Political Tones.

Breathing is now a Luxury, not afforded to ...most.

Civil Unrest becoming a National Pastime. And our Language; that

of endless Violence with Bullets Leading the way.

As one year closes, a year that has been completely CLOSED and

SHUTOFF, and another year starting where the last one ended...

Not a Year of Looking forward to much of anything.

The New Year is already Muted before it began.

Celebrations and gatherings remain forbidden; and the Heavy

Restrictions and Limitations forcibly imposed on our Lives still

firmly in place, along with all the Health Destroying and Soul

Crushing Manadates, Guidelines and Protocols remain in

devastating effect, affecting our lives and Immunity in

Negative ways that we will never be able to recover from.

Being Restricted and Limited and our Lives stopped, is not

what this Country, The United States of America, is about.

This is The United States of America.... The Land of the

FREE. But this Country has long since stopped being a

FREE Country for more than 200 years, now.

New Year's 2021