Monday, August 13, 2012

Abstract Lives....

~ Abstract Lives ~
by Renee Bowen

Articulated living... Our lives in pieces, and going around like an accordion.

On the streets, when others have homes, we have Nature.

--The Un-consented Life –

You remember what it means to “give your consent” on something, having that right that 

allows something to be done because you have given your consent,

- like a field trip for school

- or having a medical procedure done.

When your life is forced to be lived out on the brutal streets, you find you are denied 

even the very basic right of giving your consent to anything,

and your existence turns into an “Un-consented” endurance-- you didn't consent to the 

illegal actions from and by a landlord that put you out here,

you didn't consent to having your home taken from you,

or rather being taken from your home,

you didn't consent to having to live your life on the streets,

you never consented to being treated so vilely, so horribly-- but this is exactly what 

happens, whether you consent or not-- you're never given the option of giving your 

consent-- so why the shift?? why are you afforded this “right” as long as you have a 

physical home, you have consent... until you don't?

Forced “consent”, I suppose you could call it.

Regardless of Civil Rights... and citizenship, your consent for what happens to

you is stripped away--- that's why crimes and violence are so prevalent against

the homeless, and is readily accepted and condoned by society.....

thousands of deaths go by unnoticed and unreported.

Because our presence wasn't welcome to begin with and thus they figure no one will miss

 us. And unfortunately, this holds true regardless of race or nationality,

 sex or creed, or orientation.

The general census is when you are homeless, your life matters to no one

once your home has evaporated and opened into Nature---

it's at this time that you need someone to care, but what you find, instead, is the backs of

 everyone turned away from you, no longer turned toward you.

Treated like some kind of highly contagious, deadly disease they will catch" if they do 

care and actually show it toward us.

So you turn toward nature.... listening to Her songs as the orchestra is ever-present and 

always playing-- all you have to do to hear it is take a deep breath, close your eyes and 

listen.... you're in the front row, always the best seat in the house.

But Nature also has Her mood swings...

At times, you'll find her calm, warm and serene... and other times, 

the most violent temper you'll ever encounter.

Pulling you through the gamut-- the extremes in weather from one side to the next takes 

a hard toll on your body, heart, mind and soul---

Just remembering to breathe at times is its own challenge.

 She will at once embrace you,

and then turns on you all in the same breath. The solace comes from the feathered and

 furry friends that share their space with you and you with them.

Becoming your closest friends and confidants, sometimes co-conspirators, as well.

And will always keep you entertained and a smile in your heart.   

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