Monday, December 28, 2020

Holiday Traditions... 2020


Holiday Traditions.... On the Streets

2020... Through the Forced Lockdown

Twenty-One Seasons.... of Holidays and Winters Outside

Twenty-One Winters living without a home. Twenty-One Holiday

Blends outside. Seasoning into Life... that is out-skirted

to the outer banks of Society, to the furthest edges of Humanity.... 

Thanksgiving on the streets.. Christmas on the Streets...

New Year's on the Streets. And every Holiday

throughout the year, on the streets.

Holidays are not steeped in tradition living on the streets. But the air

takes on a different feel; electric and vibrant, as though its own heartbeat

pulses with excitement. Where the Air becomes alive with Promise.

While I'll never be grateful for being forced to live on the streets because of the

illegal actions of a despicable landlord, living on the streets teaches you about resilience,

how to improvise and use what you have around you, teaches you how to persevere

through the worst of life... and do much more. There is no way to prepare for and

nothing that prepares you for street life, even when fully immersed in it.

Life.... Disintegrating before my eyes... on the streets. The Nightmare that never Ends.

When is enough enough? Most of my life now having being

totally and entirely consumed....

if not fully devoured, on the streets, where days become one

that mirrors every one before, and all the ones after. Hard enough to

have to live indefinitely outside, without a home. But with the

forced Lockdown, and all the Health destroying, damaging Mandates,

Guidelines and Protocols, have turned that nightmare of life on the streets into

something straight out the of Bowels of Hell, and through the worst “Horror Show”

that could ever be Conceived. Makes a Stephen King Novel look more

like a Children's Bedtime story, in comparison.

This has been the absolute worst Holiday Season I have ever spent on the streets,

hands down. And being out here for 21 of them now, that is saying A LOT.

Soul Crushing, Life destroying. All Hope, All Joy, All Spirit Lifting moments....

Just wiped out. Much like our Health continues to be at the hands of the

Tyrannical Government ordering our lives, in every sense of the word,

under their complete forced control.... using their Mouthpieces of their

Design; The WHO (Government Funded and the biggest Financial backer;

Bill Gates) and the CDC (Backed and funded by the Government,

to tell us only what they want us to hear, and not what the truth is.

Ending 2020 in the Worst ways.... and starting 2021 the same. Everything has been

taken from us.... Our Health, Our Bodies, Our Lives. How we Live, Where we Go,

How we Communicate, and WHEN and with Who, while being forced to

wear Suffocating, unbreathable face diapers called “Face Masks”,

that severe Oxygen out of our existence.

Our Freedoms, Civil Liberties, Our rights Guaranteed under the

Constitution.... Our rights to LIVE and Breathe freely....

All of it forcibly taken from us.

So no, this Holiday Season has not been what Holidays were meant to be,

wrong in every regard, has been erased. Where No contact is allowed.

Our Lives have become Forbidden to Live in any and all regard.

The Holiday air was muted this year. It didn't have that Alive and Electric feel.

But rather just felt dead. This year was wiped of any Traditions, because

Holidays were not allowed to be Celebrated or be a Gathering of any kind.

Travel was banned and just being anywhere forcibly banned.

The Holidays were one of Hell.... Filled to the Brim.

Our Tax Dollars hard at work!

A Holiday Season where Holidays were not permitted.

And the Worst Holiday Season experienced.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Decades Pasts... And Counting



Decades Past...

Life in the Review Living on the Streets

20 Years of Life, or rather the merest hint of what had been a Life.

Shelled out and Shadowed in form and existence.

Heading into my 21st Holiday and Winter Season, while living

in the worst Decade of the worst year in our History, as our lives are

pawned off and removed, all for Political gain at our expense.

All of our Inherent rights, our Constitutional Rights, the Amendments,

Our Freedoms, Our Civil Liberties, Our God given right to Breathe....

all of it has been forcibly removed from our lives.

21 Holiday and Winter Seasons on the streets... with an untold more to

follow in its wake. That's how long I have been forced to live, or rather

merely exist behind and underneath the Fumes of Humanity.

Our Health, Our Immunity, Our Well-Being.... and Our very Lives....

Our Bodies and Our Lives are not Government Issue.

Yet, they have finally achieved what they have been wanting

to do for a real long time now, and that is taking

total and complete control over our lives and how we live.

Everything we do, everywhere we go.... all now extensively

restricted. Where we go, what we eat, how we socialize and

interact with others.... Our very Humanity being wiped

from the face of the Earth in every regard.

Forcibly forbidden to live our lives in any meaningful way.

No longer allowed to live. No longer allowed to do anything or

go anywhere. Several months into the forced Lockdown, we are

still not allowed to move freely, or go where we need to go.

As my life on the streets continues to unfold.... each year

becoming worse than the ones before... and 2020 is turning into

the worst year in the history of our lives.  As more and more is

being restricted and forbidden for us to do, life itself is losing

its meaning and purpose. 2020 is a First of many things...

the first year of a new decade, the first year Life itself

has been cancelled indefinitely and everything in it, the

first year where our lives will never be the same.

Living in the center of the Orwellian Nightmare that never ends.

  Facing my 21st Winter and Holiday season on the streets.

One of the hardest things to deal with living on the streets, aside

from the harsh elements... Is having to clean up in icy cold water

in low temperatures...20s, 30s, and 40s. Waking covered in a thick

layer of frost, like frosting on a cake. Having to douse my head in water

that is much colder, than it is outside, like liquid ice, along with washing

my body in freezing water. Taking ice bathing to a whole new level. And

repeatedly having my oxygen and airflow forcibly taken from me all

year with the forced face masks that are suffocating and unbreatheable,

has been making things much worse to contend with,

especially in regards to my health.

Infections happening out of nowhere that won't heal, cuts,

scrapes, bruising happening with higher frequency, and sores that

stay open and raw as a direct result of oxygen deprivation, over

and over again. It's bad enough having to battle the effects of living

on the streets...being a physically challenged female and Being readily denied

proper rest and nutrition, now having to battle ever-increasing

health challenges as a direct result of Government imposed actions.

20 Years Now.... and Still

20 years now...September 1, 2020. Twenty years and counting without a home.

Twenty years plus forced to live on the streets... More than 2 DECADES.

And this year, the worst I have ever experienced.

The draining, soul emptying life outside. The excruciating pain taking up

residence in my right thumb radiating through my hand, wrist and

down my arm. My thumb massively swollen and pointing out from the pad in

a sharp triangle,  the pain is excruciating. The nail bed has a black line across my 

top of my thumb with the left side of the nail black and pale yellow with and ashy

color on the right side. My thumb is swollen and hard. 


Making my right hand unusable for anything. It is interfering with sleeping,

interfering with using the restroom, cleaning up, changing...even just sitting.

Feeling like my thumb is being smashed nonstop with spikes being jabbed

through in every angle, while being butchered at the same time.

This anniversary happens amidst the Pandemic (Plannedemic..?),

where the Government is destroying our Immunity. Forcing us to be

muzzled 24/7 in suffocating, unbreatheable face masks...and removing everything

that made life worth living...everything has been taken away...all self serve has been

eliminated; soup, salad, coffees, bulk items, sports, events. Millions of Private

businesses forced to close permanently, while none of the Government

Offices or businesses harmed at all. Forcing social isolation and distance,

barricading our lives from each other.

So with the Government taking control over our lives and the influx of health

issues that has come about as a direct result of the health damaging

mandates forced and imposed upon us and our lives, has

turned this year into a living nightmare. Decades on the streets; a

nightmare unto itself...then everything compiling on top of that. Truly

the WORST year I have ever experienced in any and all regard.



Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Ghost Town Living...



Ghost Town Living...

Life under Lockdown

Life has become a true Ghost Town as a direct result of the Pandemic.

Streets have been cleared of vehicle traffic, empty storefronts, parks and events

shut down and eliminated, Life cancelled. Living in a Real-Life Ghost Town.

Forced into a Ghost Town from this horribly cruel "Shelter-in-Place"

nightmare that is destroying the economy and wreaking havoc on our well being.

And it has just been extended another several months. Indefinite Forced Isolation.

Life destroying, soul crushing. No contact hugs, no touching.

Not allowed to live, and be sure not to breathe. Forcing us to become

ever-increasingly alienated from Life itself. Life has become a barren prison...

Forced to keep distance. Why do they even bother having anything

open, the few places that are open.. grocery stores and a few food places, when

the hours are continually being reduced and restricted...opening much later

and closing much earlier while limiting capacity, and restricting access,

then what is the point? Barriers are being put up

all over to force people to keep their distance. Things have

gotten way out of control. They have long since passed ridiculous.

Life has become extremely impersonal.

Deserted and abandoned, life cast to the wayside, our lives in

drought...a barren landscape of dystopia. The economy dried up,

shriveled and completely dismantled.

No more personal interaction. Grocery stores, food places, and what

little retail remains, have imposed prison glass for barrier separation,

which makes it difficult to hear what they are saying and it blocks the

screen to see if things were rung through correctly at the right price

and the total, all blocked now. The grocery stores and few foods places

that remain open have greatly reduced their hours, making access to

restrooms and food even more challenging. Becoming a bubble of one...

physical interaction no longer allowed. Where Our lives are already

forced into isolation when living on the streets.

It's in the Homeless Contract I refused to sign. And cast out as

Social Outcasts from the start.

Being distanced from people is not the main issue...but having no access to

restrooms now, since all the parks have locked and blocked all

restroom access...finding places to go when every place is on Lock Down,

restroom access now can only be found in some grocery stores & gas stations.

The only places still somewhat open to the public, though in very limited

capacity and restricted hours. Contrary to popular belief, those of us

on the streets, we have to go too! We cannot hold it forever.

Biological needs are something every living being has to take care of.

Touch... Contact.. Connection... Socializing...An essential human element,

essential needs are now forbidden. Withering our souls... Dying to just breathe.

Living in a forced Ghost town where life has literally been shut down and

turned off. Crushing the economy and leaving this country, this world and

our well being in great deficit. We are a Social creature. Lives literally

hang in the balance. To live, to thrive...we HAVE to connect, to touch,

be social. The fabric of life has been cut off. And living in the streets,

we already have so little contact, there is no thriving... Just merely

surviving because the threads of existence has shredded and

unraveled, the loose threads have been discarded, much like our lives.

Our lives being Decimated, while our Economy has been shattered and

splintered in devastating ways. Millions of Private businesses forced to

permanently shut down, millions forced out of work, while

not a single Government office or person has suffered

any of their imposed consequences on OUR lives.

Ghost town living... Government Style

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


The Shut Down...

Life Being Shut Down and Turned Off....

Life on the streets has never been more challenging than at this
current time we are experiencing through the dangerous and
world shaking outbreak of the Coronavirus that created
mass hysteria, the world over, and something that was
deliberate and Intentional.

Life is literally being turned off and completely shut down.
Forced isolation. Social Distancing. Businesses, schools,
Restaurants, Movie theaters, being shut down and closed.
What few places that are still open for food, have
imposed strict requirements to access food.
No longer allowed to sit inside, or even go inside to
pick up food, only Pickup, Take-out or Delivery... 
all at a distance. Restroom access is not allowed.

Grocery Stores have nothing but empty shelves
filling the space. What few places remain open,
hours have been greatly decreased to “Maximize
Social Distancing”. Imposing a NO CONTACT Law.

Libraries, Wineries, Bars, Schools, Any and All Events;
Closed and shut down. No crowds of any kind are allowed.
All park restrooms locked up. Where a forced
Shelter in Place” has been put into effect, requiring
people to stay “Home”, have your meals at home.

This poses a real challenge to those of us forced to live
outside, indefinitely. You have no Home to go to.
Having no restroom access to take care of personal needs,
or have any place to use to go when you need to.
Having limited or no access to food...Because we are
already in “Shelter in Place”, though our place
is every place. We are home, wherever we go. Having
to carry our homes with us every moment of
the day, and all through the night.

Once again, when disaster strikes.... 
The homeless are literally left out in the cold. 
And the rain. And the high winds.

Being exposed to everything, at any moment,
we do not have the safety of a true “Shelter in Place”.
Our place is everywhere and all over. We do not
have the protection and are not given any thought
about how all these imposed changes affect our
lives in a very real, very devastating way.

Turning life into an even greater hardship for those
of us outside.... blocking access to restrooms,
limiting food access, not allowed to be where you are.
The Virus from HELL is turning our lives into a living
hell, while making life itself inaccessible for even the
most basic, essential Human Needs.

As the Shut Down continues....The IMPACT on our
lives is Injurious and Detrimental. Life....
Turned OFF.

Monday, March 2, 2020

I Have a NAME

I Have a NAME...

I am not a Number
I am not an AGE
I am not a Date Of Birth
I am not an Income Level
I am not a Bank Statement
I am not a Social Security Number
I am not my Driver's License
or State ID Number

I Have a Name.

Referring to me by my gender, my age, my income (or the
lack thereof), my bank statement, my Social Security number
and so forth serves no useful purpose other than to display
a person's personal details, which is Very de-valuing,
very de-humanizing. But at once both very impersonal,
and deeply personal....

My Gender, My age, my Date of Birth, My Social
Security Number.... all of it is very private and no one's
business. Yet, continually put on full and open public
display that is silver plattered (up) for Identity Theft.

I Have a Name.

Being reduced to nothing more than a series of numbers,
my numbers; a gender; age, date of birth, Residence,
Income Level, Bank Statement... When none of it is relative.
Yet, my entire life history stripped away number by number.
Your privacy and private details of your life...having your age,
date of birth, Social Security Number and all your other
numbers, billboarded for anyone and everyone, your
life fully open on display in variations of our numbers.

I have absolutely zero tolerance for constantly being
reduced to a series of numbers; my numbers,
and a gender. I am not a number.

I Have a NAME

Still, my entire life history is stored within them all. While being
referred to as a number or sets of numbers is not who I am and
serves no other purpose than to de-humanize the person
behind the numbers, while giving all your personal
information to the world...

But all these places, especially in regards to the Government,
immediately reduces you to your numbers, forcing you to give
every single digit to them at every turn, then not acknowledging you
as a living, breathing, human being. The first thing that is always
asked of you/always “Required” of you; What is your AGE?/What is
Your Date of Birth?/When were you born?/How OLD are you?....
No matter which way they choose, that is always the first thing
they insist on knowing... your AGE. WHY? Why is your AGE so
important for them to KNOW? Serving no purpose than to add
to their chart because the forms state AGE/DOB/Birthdate
But if you ask theirs, they refuse to respond, telling
you “it is none of our business, we need to
know your numbers, not ours”.

That makes it easier to dismiss you when you are
nothing more than a number, or a series/set of numbers.
Having to give your vital details while being
dismissed as a living person.

Then on top of all the numbers you are referred to, they
demand all your information, stripped bare and put up
for sale; your Mother's Maiden name, your father's full name,
where you were born, the City/Town/State and date it
occurred and when, the time it happened, where you
grew up, what school(s) you went to, the street(s) you
lived on, who you know, how you know them, what your
relation to them are, what grades you received,
places you have been, what you eat, where you shop.

I Have a Name. I Have Presence.
My Identity....I am a Sentient Being.
I am not an IT, I am NOT a NUMBER.