Holiday Traditions.... On the Streets
2020... Through the Forced Lockdown
Twenty-One Seasons.... of Holidays and Winters Outside
Twenty-One Winters living without a home. Twenty-One Holiday
Blends outside. Seasoning into Life... that is out-skirted
to the outer banks of Society, to the furthest edges of Humanity....
Thanksgiving on the streets.. Christmas on the Streets...
New Year's on the Streets. And every Holiday
throughout the year, on the streets.
Holidays are not steeped in tradition living on the streets. But the air
takes on a different feel; electric and vibrant, as though its own heartbeat
pulses with excitement. Where the Air becomes alive with Promise.
While I'll never be grateful for being forced to live on the streets because of the
illegal actions of a despicable landlord, living on the streets teaches you about resilience,
how to improvise and use what you have around you, teaches you how to persevere
through the worst of life... and do much more. There is no way to prepare for and
nothing that prepares you for street life, even when fully immersed in it.
Life.... Disintegrating before my eyes... on the streets. The Nightmare that never Ends.
When is enough enough? Most of my life now having being
totally and entirely consumed....
if not fully devoured, on the streets, where days become one
that mirrors every one before, and all the ones after. Hard enough to
have to live indefinitely outside, without a home. But with the
forced Lockdown, and all the Health destroying, damaging Mandates,
Guidelines and Protocols, have turned that nightmare of life on the streets into
something straight out the of Bowels of Hell, and through the worst “Horror Show”
that could ever be Conceived. Makes a Stephen King Novel look more
like a Children's Bedtime story, in comparison.
This has been the absolute worst Holiday Season I have ever spent on the streets,
hands down. And being out here for 21 of them now, that is saying A LOT.
Soul Crushing, Life destroying. All Hope, All Joy, All Spirit Lifting moments....
Just wiped out. Much like our Health continues to be at the hands of the
Tyrannical Government ordering our lives, in every sense of the word,
under their complete forced control.... using their Mouthpieces of their
Design; The WHO (Government Funded and the biggest Financial backer;
Bill Gates) and the CDC (Backed and funded by the Government,
to tell us only what they want us to hear, and not what the truth is.
Ending 2020 in the Worst ways.... and starting 2021 the same. Everything has been
taken from us.... Our Health, Our Bodies, Our Lives. How we Live, Where we Go,
How we Communicate, and WHEN and with Who, while being forced to
wear Suffocating, unbreathable face diapers called “Face Masks”,
that severe Oxygen out of our existence.
Our Freedoms, Civil Liberties, Our rights Guaranteed under the
Constitution.... Our rights to LIVE and Breathe freely....
All of it forcibly taken from us.
So no, this Holiday Season has not been what Holidays were meant to be,
wrong in every regard, has been erased. Where No contact is allowed.
Our Lives have become Forbidden to Live in any and all regard.
The Holiday air was muted this year. It didn't have that Alive and Electric feel.
But rather just felt dead. This year was wiped of any Traditions, because
Holidays were not allowed to be Celebrated or be a Gathering of any kind.
Travel was banned and just being anywhere forcibly banned.
The Holidays were one of Hell.... Filled to the Brim.
Our Tax Dollars hard at work!
A Holiday Season where Holidays were not permitted.
And the Worst Holiday Season experienced.