Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Ghost Town Living...



Ghost Town Living...

Life under Lockdown

Life has become a true Ghost Town as a direct result of the Pandemic.

Streets have been cleared of vehicle traffic, empty storefronts, parks and events

shut down and eliminated, Life cancelled. Living in a Real-Life Ghost Town.

Forced into a Ghost Town from this horribly cruel "Shelter-in-Place"

nightmare that is destroying the economy and wreaking havoc on our well being.

And it has just been extended another several months. Indefinite Forced Isolation.

Life destroying, soul crushing. No contact hugs, no touching.

Not allowed to live, and be sure not to breathe. Forcing us to become

ever-increasingly alienated from Life itself. Life has become a barren prison...

Forced to keep distance. Why do they even bother having anything

open, the few places that are open.. grocery stores and a few food places, when

the hours are continually being reduced and restricted...opening much later

and closing much earlier while limiting capacity, and restricting access,

then what is the point? Barriers are being put up

all over to force people to keep their distance. Things have

gotten way out of control. They have long since passed ridiculous.

Life has become extremely impersonal.

Deserted and abandoned, life cast to the wayside, our lives in

drought...a barren landscape of dystopia. The economy dried up,

shriveled and completely dismantled.

No more personal interaction. Grocery stores, food places, and what

little retail remains, have imposed prison glass for barrier separation,

which makes it difficult to hear what they are saying and it blocks the

screen to see if things were rung through correctly at the right price

and the total, all blocked now. The grocery stores and few foods places

that remain open have greatly reduced their hours, making access to

restrooms and food even more challenging. Becoming a bubble of one...

physical interaction no longer allowed. Where Our lives are already

forced into isolation when living on the streets.

It's in the Homeless Contract I refused to sign. And cast out as

Social Outcasts from the start.

Being distanced from people is not the main issue...but having no access to

restrooms now, since all the parks have locked and blocked all

restroom access...finding places to go when every place is on Lock Down,

restroom access now can only be found in some grocery stores & gas stations.

The only places still somewhat open to the public, though in very limited

capacity and restricted hours. Contrary to popular belief, those of us

on the streets, we have to go too! We cannot hold it forever.

Biological needs are something every living being has to take care of.

Touch... Contact.. Connection... Socializing...An essential human element,

essential needs are now forbidden. Withering our souls... Dying to just breathe.

Living in a forced Ghost town where life has literally been shut down and

turned off. Crushing the economy and leaving this country, this world and

our well being in great deficit. We are a Social creature. Lives literally

hang in the balance. To live, to thrive...we HAVE to connect, to touch,

be social. The fabric of life has been cut off. And living in the streets,

we already have so little contact, there is no thriving... Just merely

surviving because the threads of existence has shredded and

unraveled, the loose threads have been discarded, much like our lives.

Our lives being Decimated, while our Economy has been shattered and

splintered in devastating ways. Millions of Private businesses forced to

permanently shut down, millions forced out of work, while

not a single Government office or person has suffered

any of their imposed consequences on OUR lives.

Ghost town living... Government Style

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