Tuesday, March 17, 2020


The Shut Down...

Life Being Shut Down and Turned Off....

Life on the streets has never been more challenging than at this
current time we are experiencing through the dangerous and
world shaking outbreak of the Coronavirus that created
mass hysteria, the world over, and something that was
deliberate and Intentional.

Life is literally being turned off and completely shut down.
Forced isolation. Social Distancing. Businesses, schools,
Restaurants, Movie theaters, being shut down and closed.
What few places that are still open for food, have
imposed strict requirements to access food.
No longer allowed to sit inside, or even go inside to
pick up food, only Pickup, Take-out or Delivery... 
all at a distance. Restroom access is not allowed.

Grocery Stores have nothing but empty shelves
filling the space. What few places remain open,
hours have been greatly decreased to “Maximize
Social Distancing”. Imposing a NO CONTACT Law.

Libraries, Wineries, Bars, Schools, Any and All Events;
Closed and shut down. No crowds of any kind are allowed.
All park restrooms locked up. Where a forced
Shelter in Place” has been put into effect, requiring
people to stay “Home”, have your meals at home.

This poses a real challenge to those of us forced to live
outside, indefinitely. You have no Home to go to.
Having no restroom access to take care of personal needs,
or have any place to use to go when you need to.
Having limited or no access to food...Because we are
already in “Shelter in Place”, though our place
is every place. We are home, wherever we go. Having
to carry our homes with us every moment of
the day, and all through the night.

Once again, when disaster strikes.... 
The homeless are literally left out in the cold. 
And the rain. And the high winds.

Being exposed to everything, at any moment,
we do not have the safety of a true “Shelter in Place”.
Our place is everywhere and all over. We do not
have the protection and are not given any thought
about how all these imposed changes affect our
lives in a very real, very devastating way.

Turning life into an even greater hardship for those
of us outside.... blocking access to restrooms,
limiting food access, not allowed to be where you are.
The Virus from HELL is turning our lives into a living
hell, while making life itself inaccessible for even the
most basic, essential Human Needs.

As the Shut Down continues....The IMPACT on our
lives is Injurious and Detrimental. Life....
Turned OFF.

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