Tuesday, May 30, 2017



I am truly blessed.  Homeless,
 I don’t have a home, a bed, a kitchen,
a bathroom, and I live one the streets, but I am Blessed.
I am blessed to have access to the libraries
all around and the ability to check out materials with an
endless assortment of books to choose from, the use of computers,
scanner and printers…. I am Blessed.
I am Blessed to respect myself enough to not be “seen” as Homeless,
and then denied and refused assistance because I do not fit the part;
I do not look, smell, act or behave as a homeless person is scripted to be by society.
I am Blessed to share my days and nights with my furry and feathered friends,
my confidants and co-conspirators who nourish my heart and life like nothing else can.
I am Blessed to have a body that continues to carry the burden of life on the streets.
No, this isn’t the life I planned, but I am truly Blessed.
I am witness to Nature’s unfolding while watching the incredible sunsets and sunrises,
most mornings and evenings. Watching the colors being stroked across the skies
with the most perfect colors and brushes that bring the brilliance to the forefront,
which is breathtaking and immersive. Being present every moment,
feeling everything, seeing everything; becoming a part of the landscape in the truest sense…
blending in so fully and completely, you become invisible to society but fully
embraced by Nature and Her incredibly beautiful creatures that fill my life.
Counting Blessings everyday…
Though, most of time, it is the hardest challenge I have in my life,
finding those precious gems.

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