Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Disillusionment of Life....

Disillusionment of Life….

Life….. the illusion continues.

They say we “are living the dream within a dream”.

Well, my life has been anything but a “dream”.

A brutal nightmarish hell, definitely….. a dream?

No. Only a very bad dream…. One that I have never been able to wake from.

Wondering what is going on in my parallel lives. Feels the same.

Feels like I have been living the exact same lifetime, over and over and over again….

And that is where the dis-allusion of life comes about---- living the same lifetime,

over and over and over without end, for eternity.

It wasn’t good the first several thousand times, so why does

the same horror show keep repeating in my life????

So ready to be done with it once and for all.

Illusions, Allusions, Dreams…..

So what is the point of Life?!

If life is but a Dream, albeit a very bad dream, why bother?

The devastation of life on the streets…

I cannot even begin to convey what you have to deal

and contend with living on the streets, as it goes much deeper than

not being able to eat properly, or regularly…

goes way beyond being constantly video-monitored and watched 24/7,

deeper than not having any privacy whatsoever to do your most private,

intimate things in public every moment….

It goes Much deeper.

Insects that you only ever found in expired cereals and rice…

becoming more and more frequent visitors to your mornings….

Devastating your heart…. Wondering how much further life could pull

and drag you down into depths you can never reach.

You learn living on the streets brings about the most unexpected

things into your life at any moment. And your body, heart, and soul

quickly adapting to even the most hellish of experiences,

no matter what that may be.

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