Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Raw Edge...

The Raw Edge… of Life

Life on the streets… means living in the raw.
The raw, gnawing pangs and pain of knowing what true
hunger really is. You know what real need actually means.
You experience the raw elements of nature, year-round.
Bugs/insects feeding on you, gorging themselves at your
expense. You are exposed 24/7…. to everything.
Life on the streets is the raw of existence.

An existence that is present without being seen.
You live in a world where everything you do… that most
people take for granted, becomes luxuries on the street;
bathing, privacy, eating, being able to BE without being
hassled, harassed, being badgered or assaulted for just
being present, or sleeping… just to name a few.

Living life… without being allowed to actually live.

Living in and through the dregs of existence.

Life in the RAW...where you are exposed to everything,
and there are no protective barriers to keep you safe and sound.
Your whole life is on full display every moment of the
day and all through the night on the public screen,
where admission is always free for the viewers,
at our expense. The show never ends...

Living on the streets, life without a home, you live the
Postal Credo… In Rain, Sunshine, Sleet, Hail… in all extremes
of weather, not to mention living life in and through
the industrial fans of Nature when the winds rip through
the area. Then you are pushed, pulled and
tugged on from all directions.

Joy, if it ever existed in my life, has been completely
extinguished. And I do not recall ever experiencing
joy at any point or part in my life. It is supposed to be our
natural setting, but not something I have ever felt, or
experienced and it has never been my natural setting.

Contentment has come about at times, but that is not Joy
or Excitement, those are different. Never once have I felt
excitement and joy toward or about life in any way. And when
SURVIVAL becomes your “Natural” setting when life is spent
on the streets, it has a whole different look and feel.

A life of Purpose, meaning, schedules, time... all of it lost and taken
and replaced with a monotone of existence, where everything
remains the same. Life is grayed out, the contrast lessens,
the colors muted and becomes like a photo of freshly poured
cement all around, everything frozen in time. The film
being developed but drained of color and LIFE.
Feeling the deepest aspects of the undersides of humanity,
A life stilled while in progress, interrupted in the middle.

The severity of life is getting harder to bare.

A life hanging in the balance....

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