Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Life Happens...

Life Happens....

Life happens..... some good, some very, very bad. And sometimes, things fall in between.
I often wonder what my life would have been like if I had been welcome, instead of discarded.
Having a life that actually matters, one that I was wanted right from the start.... but life,
my life, did not start that way. Just the opposite. My life never should have been, my
birth should have never happened. But unfortunately, it did, and I am left forever
picking up the pieces left behind and discarded since. I know people
(Mistakenly believing we were friends, only to find I was nothing more than
a circumstance to them) whose lives have been deeply blessed every step of the way....
having multiple homes in different countries, travel the world over, many times over,
spending weeks and months on end at various places.
Their kids literally growing up on airplanes.

And then there are ones like me...... my life could not be more different in contrast.
Blessed rarely, having more bad luck than anything else in life. What would life have
been like if I had been treated as a friend, on a personal level, instead of just the
debris cast to the wayside and seen as only a circumstance and not a living,
breathing, feeling person???? How different would things be?
Would life hold any meaning? Would I want to be here???
Would life hold joy and love????

Things that have never been a part of my life that I can ever recall,
not in any meaningful way. Having a life where you are never once accepted
for who you are, as you are, not welcome wherever you go. I am making the best of a
bad situation I was forced into, time and again.

And no matter what I do, I am criticized, ridiculed, made fun of, laughed at., mocked.
And I wonder, time and again, why am I here??? To serve what purpose?
A Life punishment..... living on the streets, my life..... so really, what is the point?
Being sentenced for a crime you never committed.

I have died a million times over on the streets, and died a different kind of death
when I was forced to live my life on the streets. With a body that has continually and
completely turned against itself at every moment of my life, a life that is not worth the
mere existence it has become. My life and body has always felt like a cruel Joke of the
Universe, straight from God. A punishing curse than anything to cherish and be truly
grateful for. Living in excruciating pain every day of my life, my body never once working
like it is “supposed” to. Never once functioned like the books say it should. It does its own
thing with little regard to being attached to me. And the endless pain and grief that it has
wrought in its wake. Living in pain, barely existing around the edges of life...

Never once did I ever think or believe my life would be taken from me, eviscerated
of all that matters, then cast to the debris left behind in Humanity's wake.
But having spent nearly half my life, in the barest form of existence, on the streets....
life has changed in every way, means something entirely different when it is lived without a home,
or the comforts and security that affords. Time shifts, changes, and morphs into extending without end. 
 Days go by without realizing one has changed into the next..... years flash by without warning.
Time is lost track of, brought back, and lost again. Dates have no meaning,
as one is the same as the next, and the ones before.

The context of life takes on different textures and feels on the streets, that cannot be
experienced anywhere else. Life tastes different, looks different, feels different on the streets.
It changes you in ways you could never dream of, seeps so deeply and indelibly in and
through your entire being, and every cell and atom in your body.
Changes you in ways that cannot be erased.

Images burned into your vision that cannot be changed.
Experiencing things in life that would make the most hardened criminal flinch,
and yet it becomes second nature to those of us living without a home.

It is truly amazing what your body and mind become used to, just by being
exposed to, it time and again. And it becomes part of your life, and who you are as a person.
Living on the streets changes how you approach life, how you react, what you do...
in every way. It changes how you breathe, how you eat, how you sleep, how you clean up.
There is no part of your life unchanged from life on the streets.

Life on the Streets.... Detracts from Living.

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