A Modest Encroachment
That's what the President says about destroying our every
privacy, saying it's “to keep Americans Safe” from terrorists.
Bullshit!! It is not about protecting us from anything or anyone, but
rather, more about controlling and dominating every facet of our
lives. This is NOT a free country. Every aspect of our
lives are being controlled and manipulated by the government in the
name of “safety”. Our privacy, our civil liberties, our health,
our finances, who receives what kind of medical care, video monitored
everywhere we go; on public transit, in the park, any and all stores
(retail, grocery, warehouse, lumber yards), movie and theatre centers and complexes, sports and sporting events, storage facilities, the
library, swimming pools, walking down the street... anywhere and everywhere….none
of which was our permissions asked for.
Our lives have been heavily “Encroached” upon more and more
by the government taking more and more control over our lives,
telling us they know what's best for us. We are supposed to be
a Democracy-- A Country For the People, By the People, With
the people, but more than a 150 years now, somewhere along the way,
the People have been pushed away, cast aside while the government
takes over more and more of our lives.
The Government has grossly overstepped their bounds. And people
are readily handing over their lives to our government under the
guise of 'Safety'. Our Constitution has turned into just a mere piece
of paper that is meaningless, as the government is writing its own
agenda, regardless of what the Constitution says and what all it is
supposed to stand for. The Government has greedily encroached on our
lives, taking over every aspect of them.
Our rights being slaughtered wholesale all for a “security”
that doesn't exist! Our lives being dictated (back) to us-- what we
can and cannot do, where we can go, what we are allowed to check out
at the library, who will receive medical care and for what, who gets
housing... the very food we eat, our water supply, even the very air
we breathe-- all government imposed, mandated, and ran highly
inefficiently, at that.
Filling our lives with an overflow of dangerous drugs, harsh
chemicals, genetically engineered/altered/modified organisms-- all of
which are a gross endangerment to our health, and our very lives.
What have we been fighting for all these centuries??? Our
Freedoms. Which are being handed over to the government, so
they can invade our lives even more. That isn't “a modest
encroachment”, it goes far beyond that. How far are we going to let
it go? The government has long since crossed the line. You really
believe they have our best interest at heart? We are just
pawns in their game-- doing with us as they choose. Rest assured,
they still have all their rights-- they have not suffered the
indignities they are putting us through. Their lives are valued, ours
treated as disposable. They receive the best medical care, while we
are lottery'ed off to the lowest bidder. And even then, our right to
choose is taken from us.. jumping from hoop to endless hoop. Then we
are penalized and prosecuted for not having insurance, regardless of
circumstance. Putting our lives in the hands of the government is
just fool hardy. They are not there to take care of us. Otherwise,
our lives would not be so readily discarded and cast to the way
side-- the way they shed our service men and women, you honestly
believe our lives actually mean something to them, actually
matter? If we did, there wouldn't be the millions of homeless in the
richest country in the world... all the veterans, those who were
fortunate enough not to be killed, only to return here, forgotten and
discarded for serving our country and protecting our supposed
liberties and freedoms.
So I ask you, what are we fighting for, again? George Orwell
knew what we would be facing decades into the future, yet having to
publish his works under the guise of “Science Fiction”, because
no one could fathom the realities of his words... yet aside from the
bar codes being implanted to keep track of our every movement, though, a lot have been embedded with “information chips”, like they put
in animals for tracking, the rest has long since come about and the
bar codes are only a matter of time, really, taking complete and
total control over our lives entirely.
Like “vaccines” they impose on us, removing our right to
choose, time and again. You have no way of knowing what they are
actually injecting you with. Claiming it is one thing, but look at
how they use our military men and women as lab rats, forcing
“inoculations” on them, only to find out much later what they
were injected with was something quite different from what they
claimed it it be, and the damaging effects it has wreaked after the
So where are all our 'freedoms' in all this? The government
isn't going to be happy until they have turned this supposed
Democratic Society into nothing more than a police state and full
Remind me again, what exactly are we fighting for? And the
government continues to state, over and over, how this is for our own
protection, their “modest encroachment", into our lives. WOW.
What gives them the right to do whatever they want, by whatever means
they choose, no matter the consequences? And WE are the
ones who pay the price for their actions. And the ones who pay the
highest price are those who are homeless, the veterans who serve our
country, the physically and mentally challenged, and Seniors, who are
told they are “too old” to be allowed to receive the medical care
they need, that the government refuses to “waste” all these
resources on people they insist are not going to be alive for much
longer. Says who??? Why is the government the ones who decides what
quality of life they will be allowed? Refusing care to those who need
it most. The government imposing highly strict and rigid age
“restrictions” on who receives the care they need. Deciding who
lives and who dies, and when. Yet, no matter the age of the person in
government office, they are given the best care.
What gives them the right to play God in our lives, determining
the quality of our lives, and whether or not we are allowed the same
quality as they have? None of them are denied services due to their
age. So please tell me, what are we fighting for? The more we do, the
greater the encroachment of government in our lives.
Our rights to Privacy, and giving our consent to decide whether we
want our photo taken or videoed have been taken from us by everyone
toting the newest phones-- taking photos and videos of everyone and
anything without our consent. That's one of the most disheartening
things about it-- it's bad enough to be laughed at and made fun of in
person, when you are physically or mentally challenged and move or
look in a way that is uncomfortable for others, then not only have
this done, but broadcast all over the place, it turns it into
something else entirely when they take out their damned phones and
record/video the way you move. That way, the whole world gets to
laugh at you at your expense... and none of them have a conscience
about destroying someone else just for the fun of it.
They sure as hell wouldn't like people doing that to them, but
have no problem doing it to someone else. The Golden Rule long since forgotten when it doesn't suit their purpose.
The government claims that being videotaped and monitored
everywhere we go, every move we make, and in all we do, “ensures
our safety”. HOW?? It has never once stopped anything from happening, has never prevented anything from happening. I have never, not once felt safe and secure, much less
comfortable being spied on every moment of the day and night-- it is a constant violation of our rights-- highly invasive,
very intrusive, corroding our freedoms even more. Being watched and
monitored 24/7 of every moment is highly unsettling.
So what “freedoms” do we even have anymore?
The governments continuing encroachment further into our lives
has eliminated whatever freedoms we, at one time, actually did
And because the government has become so invasive and highly intrusive
into our lives, violating and invading every facet of our lives...
NOTHING we do or say is private. Our every
communication is censored, read, and eavesdropped on-- never once
asking our permission to do so. Our rights, our freedoms, our civil
liberties have been turned into confetti scattered in the wind.
What gives the government the right to tell us what quality of
life we are to have, or the lack thereof, yet don't hold themselves
in the same low regard. We're treated sub-standard, while they
receive the Best Possible Care at Our expense.
Manipulations of Uncle Sam....
Have you ever thought about all the manipulations the
government imposes on us for their purposes?? For instance, “Daylight
Saving”, where they manipulate our hours and change the time for
their conveniences, leaving us to pay the price of it all... imposing
it earlier and earlier, then extending it further and further--
instead of allowing time as Nature intended, as God intended, it is
wrenched to their purposes... screwing up our natural rhythms,
turning our lives upside down. Yet, Daylight Saving doesn't 'save'
anything. And has absolutely no benefit at all. Nothing that is artificially imposed on our lives have any benefit whatsoever. It wreaks havoc across the board. Dictating what time is
and when we will experience it and how. This is just the start of
things... think of all that government does to control, manipulate
and more with not only our time, but our very lives.. in the truest
sense. You cannot even breathe without being on constantly "monitored" ….
Choosing what they put in our food, our water, telling us only
what they choose for us to hear, which rarely has any inkling to the
truth of the matter, telling us they know what is “best” for us.
Really?? They know what is “best” for us? That is why they have
taken so much control over our lives.... taking away
the very freedoms we fought for so long for, only to be dismantled
and shed.
The thing is, the government is afraid of us standing up for
our rights, they know what they are doing is wrong, in every sense of
the word. Can you imagine what would happen if we demanded our lives
back, filled with the freedoms we were supposed to have, instead of
continually conceding our lives further for the deeper control of the
We would really be a fully functional DEMOCRACY.
A Country For the People, By the People, With
the People....
But our government really wants nothing to do with the
Think there is something really wrong with this picture, how
about you?