Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Citizens of Life ~ Residents of Nowhere...

Citizens of Life...

~ Residents of Nowhere~
by Renee Bowen

Regardless of your citizenship 'status', when you are forced
to live your life on the brutal streets, your citizenship is revoked,
as you are not considered or counted anymore
as a living, breathing, feeling being... but rather discarded waste to be
eliminated with the garbage. Citizenship no longer holds any meaning,
much less our very basic, essential rights--
Because we are residents of everywhere and nowhereville,
citizenship just becomes another useless word, describing nothing,
and meaning less. Yet, we are forced
 to “prove” our citizenship with each passing moment.
The cops insisting your illegal just for being present.
Doing absolutely nothing wrong, minding our own business,
 not hurting anyone, not breaking any laws, but immediately have the cops
in your face demanding your personal information, and why you are where you are.
What is with the constant harassment? And the only reason being
because you don't have that precious luxury of having a solid roof over
your head referred to as a home-- a true residence.
Where are you supposed to go, when you have absolutely
no place to go, no place to just BE?
And the thing is what the cops do to us out here is, in fact, what is illegal. 
 What they do to us is unconstitutional in every regard, yet we're the ones paying
the price for the most widely accepted form of harassment and illegal practices
 as this is not only readily condoned, but heavily enforced.
Infringing on our very basic right-- the very rights we are supposed
to be guaranteed-- stripped away and taken from us--
circumstances that were imposed and forced upon us, creates this
 horrible shift in society--- as soon as your living status changes from
home/apartment dwellers to that of the open skies,
the living, breathing, being of our presence cease to exist, then treated in the
worst possible ways...
 addressed like we are trash cast along someone's path--
yet the only thing that has changed about us, the people we are,
have always been is our resident status.
So what gives anyone the right to treat us with such contempt and taking
away our rights from us?? Only because our living arrangements have changed??
The most widely accepted and condoned treatment toward us is the most inhumane!

They say we are “Created Equal”….

Where exactly would this be? Other than just mere words filling
empty space? If we are created equal, where is the equality?
If we were created equal, communication would prevail instead of endless wars and
perpetual violence, and massacres in the name of “solving” issues-- by eliminating people,
and in fact, anything and everything that breathes would not be a way of life..
If we were created equal, the rich wouldn’t be given precedence and Carte Blanche while
disregarding the rest of us. If we were truly equal, segregation would not exist,
nor would racism, or any form of division among people and Citizens of Life ~ Residents of Nowhere...discrimination would long since be a thing of the past, in every regard,
no matter what your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and the male gender would not
be paid more for the same work that females do for less.
If we were created equal, destruction wouldn’t control our lives,
our privacy would still be intact… being a number or credit score
wouldn’t ruin or run our lives, especially when the
information is flat out wrong, when your information stolen,
then you are judged and condemned by and through the actions of others,
 regardless of whether the information they are viewing is true or not.
  Being refused services based on what type of person they see you as,
is not being treated as equal  If we were truly created as equals,
life would not be so grossly out of balance.

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