A Community of Hope..
Birthday Dreams and Blessings...
As this is my 21st Birthday outside, on the streets... Birthdays
are not Something I look forward to, much like Holidays on the
streets. And this birthday was no exception. But it has turned
into a month, and year, of blessings and gifts brought my way.
Birthday Notes...
Another Birthday Year on the Streets
Twenty-one Birthdays now outside. Twenty-first Birthday of life
on the streets. Not something that gives me cause to Celebrate.
Living on the streets is not the gift I would hope to receive,
and not one I would wish for.
But I have so much to be grateful for... so many Gifts of Love
brought to my life and to my heart, time and time again.
So many of the Community have reached out to offer support,
so many have shown they cared and that I Matter.
Especially after the Police Department Forced me to leave,
after giving me Permission to be where I was. The Community
stepped up to the Plate in a Huge way.
Most of this year has been on foot when the vehicle I
received as a Donation, that would at the very
least, finally give me a roof over my head, broke down,
leaving me stranded, quite literally, on the freeway.
But the Community rallied around me and helped
in ways I could never repay. They helped to restore
my mobility and get my vehicle running, once more.
It still has issues, but it is Running... and I can move it when
I need to, which allows me to take care of some personal business, be
able to get to some appointments, take care of needs and essentials,
for the most part. And that alone is a tremendous blessing
and something I am deeply grateful for.
Along with helping me so much with my vehicle, the community
has reached out even further with extending me offers
to house sit and pet sit while they are away for a few days,
here and there. Trusting me because of the way their dogs
respond to me. I met most, if not all of the community,
because of their dogs, who insisted on coming to say hi
to me. Animals are excellent people readers, and people
trust their pets' insticnts... and in turn, trust me as a result.
I don't take that lightly. And am deeply honored and grateful
for all the help I have received. I found out Angels are REAL,
and do exist. And these Angels presented themselves as a
Community. A Community of Love, Support, Healing...
And not only has the Community stepped up and offered so
much help, but other neighboring Police Departments found out
how I was treated by the one who forced me to leave and
offered refuge in their cities, giving me permission to stay
and be left alone. And the Community continues to
reach out to me.. Offering House Sits and Pet Sitting
opportunities with greater frequency and allowing me to park
in their driveways and in front of their Homes when the need arises
and the cops force me to leave for just being present. When I am
doing nothing wrong, not breaking any laws,
not harming anyone, just minding my own
business, usually reading or writing...
The Community has awakened the Beauty of who most
people are at their Core. People filled with Heart,People who care
and want to help. But that has not been my experience for most
of my residency on the streets. But thanks to this Community,
they have made this a Memorial Birthday year.
This Birthday, and year, is a Treasured Gift!