Sunday, September 1, 2019

Anniversaries... Life on the Street


Life on the Streets….19th Anniversary

When the word Anniversary is spoken or written, it is generally connected
with Celebrations; Weddings, Graduations….but sometimes Anniversaries
hold deeper meanings; deaths of loved ones, something truly tragic has
happened in your life, or a circumstance was forced upon you.

The latter is the type of anniversary I am talking about here. Though there
are many other anniversaries I face; the deaths and the tragic events…
they each come about once a year, throughout the year. But the
anniversary of being Homeless, is Every Day of the Year.

19 years ago today I was forced out of my home by and through the
illegal actions of a truly despicable Landlord for refusing to “service” him.
Regardless of the fact I was never late on my rent and usually paid a
few days early because I was not home when it was due. So This is
my 19th year anniversary of living life on the streets; without
the comfort and security of a home, without the privacy of my own
bathroom, without the means to eat properly or regularly (because there
is no place to store, prepare or cook foods), without the comfort of a real
bed and being able to get the much needed rest my body needs. And this
anniversary is the one that has done the most damage.

Being Homeless hollows you out, and guts you like nothing else can,
taking a tremendous toll, physically, while taking so much away from you.
Not to mention the devastating affects living on the streets does to your health
and internal effects; receding gums, hair loss, bone loss plus a host of
other effects that are brought on by malnutrition too many to list.
Mentally and emotionally, it hardens you like dried cement…
Your heart deadening in your chest and you are left as a
passerby in and a bystander of your own life.

Facing my 19th full year on the streets is devastating on its own, but add in
all the rest, and then being able to convey what that means to your life…
words just vanish from all thought. After experiencing yet another
Birthday on the streets, ignored and passed by, aside from having my info
taken by another officer, who proceeded to lecture me along with his
partner, which was my 18th one once more not acknowledged,
while heading into my 20th Holiday and Winter Season.

You would be very hard pressed to find another circumstance in
life that is as hard and challenging and difficult to bare as
living on the streets has been, and continues to be.

Living, or rather barely existing along the fringes of life….
None of the Anniversaries in my life are ones I look forward to
seeing pass. With each one, especially the ones on the street,
just brings a deeper emptiness to my heart and soul. Meaning
from life has all but evaporated into the energy of the living.

And living, in the truest sense, is eliminated, and in it’s place…. Survival.
Survival mode is your entire existence living on the streets.

You stay on high alert 24/7. Which then becomes second nature,
because youlive it day-in, day-out, every day… every moment.

Living life on the very edge of existence.

I never pictured or dreamed about living life indefinitely without a home,
being readily denied and refused assistance because of how I present
myself and for the life destroying habits that I never picked up,
much less considered even trying. But enduring 18 birthdays now,
my full 19th year anniversary and facing my 20th Holiday and
Winter season still homeless, Residentially Challenged, whichever
you prefer,living on the streets…has become a
never-ending nightmare I cannot wake from.
The Nightmare that Never Ends...

A life I didn’t choose, but was forced on me by and through the illegal
actions of a despicable human being…. And decades later,
still paying the heavy, steep price of his actions.

My life can no longer be separated from the streets, because I have
become so fused with it, I cannot tell where I end and the streets begin,
or where the streets end and I begin, as they
are one in the same. Life...Disintegrating before my
very eyes, and living it every breath.

Another Anniversary I will never forget….
But wishing I could erase forever.