Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Compromise....

~ The Compromise.... Life on the Streets ~

Life is an endless series of compromise. And when that 
life is lived on the streets, even more so. Our lives, our health, 
our safety.... what we eat, how we live; are all deeply compromised. 
Without refrigeration, we cannot keep and safely store foods.

Our sleep is compromised and continually disturbed,
being rudely woken more nights than not, sometimes 
several times a night, just for not having the
luxury of sleeping inside a home, on a warm bed.

Comforts of Life.... have been compromised so completely, 
you forget what it was even like to have it a part of your life. 
You never realize what you had until it is gone, and then it 
is too late to really appreciate it for what it was and all it did.
Your very personality changes living on
the streets, from the inside out....and outside in.

The only language my body speaks and communicates 
in is through pain. Why is this the only language my 
body is fully fluent in and knows?

Decades of my life have been taken from me, consumed 
by the Streets. Everyday a painful and pain-filled reminder. 
Not a few days, a couple weeks, or a month or two, 
but decades of my life have been consumed on the streets.
I have spent several lifetimes on the streets....

Lifetimes that can never be recovered.

Living on the streets teaches you things just by being in a 
circumstance not of your choosing, but imposed on you, 
regardless. Nature truly is the Best Teacher.

It teaches you to be resourceful, and improvise as you
go along, using what you have on hand and all around. 
I have learned about the very essence of life
while on the streets. Nature teaches you how to survive 
by the very nature of being in Nature. And survival becomes 
second nature because of Nature.
You become a survivalist by the very nature
                                                        of being out in Nature.

You become better at disengaging.

I've learned how to make great coffee without the use of a 
coffee maker, and it turns out so much better and richer 
than any coffee maker could make. I've learned how to cook 
without the use of a kitchen, by using and utilizing
what I have all around me. Using a single item for 
hundreds of other uses.

Improvising through life, every moment of every day.

Living on the streets becomes more of a fine art, and the 
best training ground for life. Teaching you how to let go and 
move on, while learning to let things be as they are. 
Life teaching you on the Fly about how to be.
And should be included as an Olympic Sport...
I would medal at the very top!!
    Living on the street takes camping to a whole new level.
Living on the Streets teaches you to be more resilient, stronger 
than you thought possible, and finding strength just by 
being present. Nature teaches you to adapt, because 
you have no other option available to you. It forces you to
change and bend to its will, not your own at any given time.
It conditions you to adhere to its Rules, and Will.... 
another Compromise.

Improvisation becomes second nature in all you do. You learn to
MacGyver your way through life when you live on the streets,
without the comforts of home, using a
single item for multiple purposes, like re-purposing LIFE
every moment of the day, all day, everyday

Living on the Streets
. A Blessing and a Curse

You learn more about living and LIFE on the streets than
you could ever learn in any classroom. Nature teaches you
everything – about life, about death and what truly
matters in the deepest context.

You learn a lot about life, more about death and what truly
matters living on the streets. You come face to face
with who you really are – at the core level.
You find out what you are truly made of.

The lessons you learn on the streets are immeasurable in life. 
it changes who you are and strips you down until there is nothing
left and builds you up, literally forcing you to become a different you---
in every way, shape and form.

Being on the streets is wholly consuming, completely draining 
and leaves you depleted and raw, while hardening you 
around the edges and cutting you to the very core.

Life....and endless series of Compromise.