Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day...

Thanksgiving...   takes on a whole new meaning when your life is lived on the streets.  This marks my 12th winter and Holiday season on the streets, as my 11 th year anniversary of being put out here by and through the illegal actions of a landlord just passed on Sept. 1, 2011.  This day has held many blessings, which I am trying to focus on, But it held even more of the ugliness cast my way, firing off like a machine gun aimed directly through my heart, which cannot be dispelled completely, but rather a good portion manages to become absorbed in the deepest pores of your being, no matter how much you try to deflect it.  Wondering how many people actually are aware of each breath they take or something else they give such disregard to, like those of us having to face each and every day when you live on the streets.  Having to remind my Self to breathe, in and out, and repeat...   fully aware of each breath I take, sometimes forgetting to let it out.  It wears on you, more than I could ever convey, living, breathing and feeling every nuance of the streets, and everything it entails... which would be much easier to contend with, if we didn't have to contend with the endless ignorance of those two-legged creatures that make our life a living hell.  Forgetting the fact we are people just like them, feel actually more than they do, continue to breathe, in and out.  That there is actually a person on the receiving end of their ugliness.  Letting assumptions run their lives, and all but ruin ours...

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