Donated Lives:
~ Donation Living ~
(For) most of us, we never give much thought to donations, what is donated,
where donations go-- until you find yourself on the receiving end and in need of
donations to exist when you are forced into a different existence where
donations become your very livelihood, something you must rely
on for just about everything when your roof expands and opens up to
become the skies above and your walls fold out into Nature's
Embrace, as you are surrounded by Her Beautiful Creatures--
Donations become an absolute necessity, but parceled out
in unequal, uneven and unfair amounts.
Some church's idea of a "Hygiene Bag" consists of only a baggie of
condoms and a toothbrush. When I have received these, it goes right into
the trash, I have no use for such junk, I need things I can use, like soap,
and shampoo, clothes...
Some church's idea of a "Hygiene Bag" consists of only a baggie of
condoms and a toothbrush. When I have received these, it goes right into
the trash, I have no use for such junk, I need things I can use, like soap,
and shampoo, clothes...
Some places requiring a "referral" from some State or County
"Agency", or Church, in order to get even a single article of needed clothing,
food, or transportation assistance for the bus.
Some places only allowing for an exchange for one item needed, for something
you are wearing and need. Claiming they could not just let people
come in and take whatever they want. That in order to get something
you need, you need to give something you are using and need to "balance"
it out for everyone.
Makes perfect sense, doesn't it??
Clothing and toiletries are the most needed, yet hardest to come by
necessities and rarely are you able to actually find something that really works,
fits and is useful.People donate anything and everything with little or
no thought or regard to about what they are donating.
no thought or regard to about what they are donating.
Most only caring about the write-off they will get
in exchange for "donating" the items they have.
--Life takes on a whole different meaning and texture when you have to rely
fully on donations for your barest essentials... especially, when you are female.
At times, I have had to play Musical Hotels/Inns/Motels in order to get
some much needed items to clean up, at least in some regard.
Only on occasion, when absolutely necessary, will I go into some place
and present myself as though I know what I am doing and where I am going,
Looking like I am staying in the place, head up to a different floor, wait a bit,
then head back to the desk, once I have dropped my bags off before
coming back down, then asking for some toiletries that were not placed
in my "room". Rarely have I been asked what room I am in. But when the
occasion has arisen to being asked, I just give a random number,
hoping they actually have that room number.
then head back to the desk, once I have dropped my bags off before
coming back down, then asking for some toiletries that were not placed
in my "room". Rarely have I been asked what room I am in. But when the
occasion has arisen to being asked, I just give a random number,
hoping they actually have that room number.
Sometimes, I get real lucky and come at a time when housekeeping are
making their rounds. And I'll go to their carts and ask for some supplies.
Always giving me a good, large handful. Most people never bother using
these items, they may collect them as "souvenirs", but rarely, if ever,
actually use or need these items. But when your home is in the outdoor
arena, these items are treasures to covet.
these items, they may collect them as "souvenirs", but rarely, if ever,
actually use or need these items. But when your home is in the outdoor
arena, these items are treasures to covet.
They are easy to keep in your pockets, take up little space and can
be placed in pockets all over the place. So you can always have access to
something. The only bad things about these items are their
packaging. More than once the little bottles of lotion, shampoos or soaps
break or turn upside down, and the caps somehow twist off, causing a bit
of a mess. It becomes quite obvious when you start seeing bubbles come out in
different areas of your bags when it rains. Not realizing until then what happened.
That's always fun. Self-cleaning bags. But it is par of the course and
one of the many hazards of being out here.
one of the many hazards of being out here.
Renee Bowen
Homeless since Sept. 1, 2000
Copyright 2011
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