Anniversary Editions...
Living on the Streets
Twenty-Second Anniversary on the Streets
Life without Parole is what it feels like being forced to live
as a Permanent Resident on the streets. A Residence not of my
choosing, and much like prison, I was forced out here, but it
was not through my actions that put me here, but rather
through and by the actions of a Despicable landlord, whose
illegal activities has punished me for what he did.
I am forced to pay the consequences of his actions against
me. And that price has devastated my life, my health, who I
am as a person. And has changed me in ways that I never
wanted to. Your life literally ceases to exist living on
the streets. Support, Love, Connection, Community....
all vanish from your life, that is if you ever had it to begin
with. Finding out how to BE when you are not allowed to
even be Present. You find out what True Discrimination
and Harassment is from personal experience.
Life becomes Unimaginable, Unlivable, Unsustainable.
Living in the Raw every moment of every day and
all through the night. Your Life and History being
erased before your very eyes. Yet, all your personal
information repeatedly taken from you at every turn.
Your life becomes nothing more than your digits,
and nothing more.
This Century, this Entire Century has been spent
outside, on the streets, without the safety and comfort of
a home. Nearly a Quarter of a Century Outside.
22 Years and counting.... Heading into my 23rd Winter and
Holiday Season. Wiping out nearly half my life in the process.
As the colder temperatures start coming through, cleaning
up takes on a more challenging role... having to wash up
in Icy Cold waters in the Freezing temperatures.
Another Anniversary of life on the streets. And another
year I do not look forward to attending. Echoes of
life can no longer be felt. The streets consuming
my very existence. And one of the Worst things about
being forced to live outside is the constant threat and
presence of Cops... they are not there to help when anything
happens, but to make sure you know your very presence is not
welcome no matter where you are. And every interaction
is Unconstitutionally recorded, Unlawfully recorded, Unethically
recorded. Against my will and without my consent, they record
and video every movement, every word, every action...
Knowing FULL well I pose no threat. A physically challenged
Homeless Female, whose only crime is that of Being Present.
So as the Days, Weeks, Months, Years and DECADES
pass living on the street, looking forward to anything has
ceased altogether. Another Anniversary, the 22nd one, when
there never should have been a Single one.
I have never fit the Stereo-typical, Commercialized version
of what a Homeless person is “Supposed” to be like...
But unfortunately, that is the Image that all the Service
Providers look for, and have all the “Help and Support” for.
But they do not have the services needed for those who do
not fit in that role; I do not drink, or smoke, or use drugs.
I am not an Illegal Immigrant or have Dependent Children.
They only focus on the Problem(s), which only make
things much worse and amplified a Million-fold.
Years, and years and years... slipped by without notice, without
warning. Just G O N E!! As one Anniversary quickly turned
into TWENTY-TWO just like that. And Still counting...
Anniversaries on the Street...