21st Anniversary of Life on the Streets
Well into the start of my 3rd DECADE of being forced to
live on the streets. Today marks my 21st Anniversary
of living, or rather barely
existing through the merest hint of living,
around the periphery of LIFE.
When there should never have been a
single anniversary, I have spent 21 of them
outside, without a home.
Living on the streets is hard enough, but being forced to live
under the forced health damaging mandates has turned life
on the streets into pure nightmarish hell. Being forcibly
mandated to receive the “Vaccine” from hell in order to be
allowed to BE or GO anywhere in L I F E now....
or be able to participate in anything; Concerts, Events, Dining,
Theme Parks, Amusement Centers...anything and everything.
life was already limited, and now, completely off limits.
That is not a life, and not a life I want any part of.
Being controlled and monitored everywhere you
go, and in all you do. We are here to Live Our Lives...
not be the Governments' Robots where LIFE is not
allowed, but only by what and how they
COMMAND through Forced Compliance.
So the limitations of life has become increased a millionfold.
It makes a tremendous impact having to live on the streets,
through the Government Control that mushroomed
over our lives and health, in the most desecrating manner.
We have long since stopped being a Democracy....
They took it all away; Our Constitutional Rights,
Our Civil Liberties, Our Inherent Rights to BREATHE
and Live OUR lives, forcibly taken away by their
Manufactured “Pandemic” and Manufactured "Viruses"
with health destructive Mandates turning our lives, and
This Country, into a growing nightmare, one we
will never be able to wake from.
Destroying our Humanity from the inside-out...
while permanently destroying our health with the
Suffocation Devices they call “Face Masks”.
Suicides have skyrocketed into the Stratosphere because of it.
So as another anniversary on the streets unfolds before me,
I wonder how many more are to come.... and how much longer
I will last through them as the Government becomes much
more invasive and intrusive into every cell
of our bodies, while controlling our every movement.
21 Years of Permanent Residence of living on
the streets. I have more than done my time...
Life was never meant to be lived in a prison, but that's
exactly what the government has turned our lives into…
while forcing compliance to their Agenda.
How much longer and how much more until there is
nothing left of me but dust in the wind?...
Remember the V A L U E S this Country used to stand for?
Life, Liberty, Freedom... Remember the
Constitution Of The United States?
How did our Democracy become so imprisoned in
Control by a Government who is supposed
to be working FOR US and
instead exerting complete control over our
lives, our health and our bodies?
Our Humanity is slipping over the Edge, Precariously
balanced on soft sand as we continue to be ensnared in
the Political Nightmare of Covid-19, and being dragged through
the health destroying Mandates continually being forced on us.
The Covid “Vaccines” have minted 9 New Big Pharma Billionaires.
What a surprise... Big Pharma profiting at OUR Expense.
And all of the Dangerous, Damaging Covid-19 Forced Mandates,
Guidelines and Protocols are akin to them telling us all
to Go jump off the cliff onto the Jagged Rocks below because
it is for “Our Health, Safety and Protection”.
It has the same devastating effects on our lives.
We continue to be the Frogs in the Boiling water.
From our Collective illusion of Democracy to the
Nightmare Realty of Full Fledged Fascism...
Our Tax Dollars Hard at WORK!!
The entire world is receiving a crash course in
Machiavellian tactics and strategy.
The substance and heart has been Mandated Out of LIFE....
taken away and removed. Life, in any measurable
quantity, and in any measurable quality,
is no longer sustainable. We cannot live this way, this
isn't living, and it is not a life... Not one Worth “living”,
anyway. We are not allowed to L I V E Our Lives.
We are not allowed to B R E A T H E, not allowed to see
expression, feel or do anything other than what they tell us.
Shelling out the Substance, the Meaning and Purpose...
Leaving behind the Skeletal remains of what life Had
been, Filled with the GIFT of L I F E, and in its wake
just a Vacuous hole, Like an EMPTY Shadow Box where
the History itself has been erased.
Mandated “Life”.... Mandated “Living”
Our Humanity is being Erased....
Living in a Nightmare.
Getting a roof over my head now, or at any point
in the future, has become a moot point.... where
just to have access to a home, I'll be forced
to get the “Vaccine” in order to
live inside. I will NOT Consent. My health has
been severely compromised already as a direct
result of their forced control in my life.
My Body, My Health... MY Life....
none of which are Government Issued, and I will
not allow them to take command of ME.
So a home in my future, will never likely be the case.
Coming to terms with the hand I was dealt. I will never
accept what has been forced upon me, but I cannot dwell
on never having a real home again, nor will I ever have a
Dwelling to dwell inside of. As the Anniversaries pile up,
life itself becomes more diminished and faded, like
old photos yellowing and curling at the edges.
Our lives being erased from Humanity....
as my life on the streets is being eroded and erased
and covered in Muck, Mired in Quicksand
that is pulling and sucking me into the
depths where life no longer exists.