Birthdays... Unremembered
This marks my 20th Birthday spent on the streets, unremembered by
anyone but myself.... and really, what is the point of Remembering it?
Spent every number from 0-9, and every combination thereof, of them
by myself, on the streets without anyone caring what day it is.
20 Birthdays.... and an untold more to follow
spent on the streets.
Facing my 21st Anniversary of having to live on the streets, while
heading into a devastating 22nd Holiday and Winter Season,
Outside, without a home. So much history has happened
within that time, while my History and existence is
being erased into dust.... Well into my 3rd Decade of
being forced to live outside, without a home.
All the Milestone Birthdays, and the ones that are the
major Markers... all of which, spent on the streets,
Unremembered, Unacknowledged.
Birthdays, just like Holidays, have turned into a Single,
Never-ending Day that goes on forever. Where
everything blends and blurs in a continuous loop.
This one, much like last year's, are so similar, they could
be mirror images.... Fires burning down the state, leaving
so much heart-wrenching hallowed out devastation, while the
skies are blanketed in a murky overcast of smoke,
making the air unbreathable with the thick, heavy smoke
and fumes clogging the air for weeks and months on end.
Still being forced to wear the Suffocation Devices they
call “Face Masks”, as a permanent fixture to our faces, regardless
of the severe health damage they cause, they ignore real
science because it does not fit with their Agenda.
The Government is Aggressively pushing the “Vaccines”
on us, and forcibly Mandating Vaccines in order to
be allowed to be part of life...
That is not a life... and Not a Life I wish to be
part of, Not Now... NOT EVER!!
That isn't living and is not a life worth living,
in any regard. We are Here to LIVE OUR Lives,
not to merely exist at the Government's Command, as their
Puppets on a string, forcing us all to become their
Human Robots...Where we are no longer allowed our Humanity,
Our Voices, Our Lives, Our Bodies. All of which have been seized
by a Government that has forgotten we are Human Beings,
and NOT their property to Destroy, by any means
they choose.
Controlling everything we do, where we go, how we interact,
what we wear, Humanitarian Law is something our Government
is choosing to ignore. Forcing citizens to Comply to their
Agenda, against US.
My Life, My health, My Body are NOT Government issued.
And I refuse to be part of their
Science Experiment as a forced Lab Rat.
So another birthday spent on the streets, in the unbreathable,
Smokey air... and no way to get out of the air, no place to go.
Not how I had hoped to spend the day, My Day....
My Birthday, Another Decade of Life, the end of one...
and the beginning of another. And the previous one has
carried right over in continuation into the next.
Our Lives and Health being Decimated by the health
destroying, soul crushing mandates from Hell, which have
become a permanent toxic, destructive, unwelcome
addition to our lives, that has turned living into the worst
Nightmare, a nightmare we will never be able to wake from!
A Very Cruel and Barbaric way to “Celebrate”
another year of being on this planet.
Birthday Greetings from this Prison, formerly
called L I F E.