Friday, November 29, 2019

Holidays 2019

Holiday Blends...

Another Day on the Street

Holidays.... Another season of Hope underway as my 20th Holiday
and Winter Season is rolling in. So many Blessings and much
to be Grateful for, along with devastating blows to contend with.

But the Holidays are really not a favorite time for me, not anymore.
Haven't been for a long time. Having no place to go, and
no one to share the days with, just fills my heart and soul
with a deeper emptiness left vacant and hollow.

As the air becomes Festive and Vibrant, and while the
Scents of Fall filling our lungs with the Sweet Warmth
of Spices, Baking and cooking, the Holidays brings
duality along with it. Living on the streets,
you only experience the Holidays through the
looking glass from the outside, not involved in or
immersed through it.

Breathing in The Crisp, Sweet air of the mornings and
evenings are one of the Best feelings, adding a
sense of excitement of Beauty yet to come.
Well, the air used to be Sweet and Crisp, now
reeks of Pot fumes at every turn, the Hint of
the sweet, clean, crisp air is still present.

But having to face and spend yet another Holiday and
Winter Season without a home and literally on the cold, harshness
of the streets, brings the reality of it smashing in my face.

So along with the Blessings I have and all I have
to be Grateful for, it collides in opposition to
living on the streets and all the challenges that
alone brings. The list of challenges a
physically challenged female having to
live every moment on the street nearly mutes
all the good; But being In Nature and Living every
moment in NATURE, brings beauty to my heart
and eyes as I breathe and experience all Nature
offers. With a front row seat to the colors blooming and
shedding, all the animals singing their songs, and
communicating with each other and everyone around,
with the background sounds of the traffic that tries to
mute the Nature Effect, and does diminish the
experience and feel of being IN nature, but cannot completely
overshadow it. Beauty will find its way through.
Like a single flower will push through the most barren
landscape to bring Hope and Beauty.

Holidays on the streets are like that single flower,
Hope and Beauty filters through on occasion.
No, it is not there every moment, but it does come
through and when it does and the light captures
your heart in those moments, the shroud of
smothering darkness lessens.

Holidays on the Street are not steeped in traditions, other than
the ones you create... mine, I usually have a good stack of
Books, which I take to the park and spend the day
reading and writing, meditating, and walking in Nature, unless
I am able to find some place in need of volunteers.

Holiday air takes on a different feel, where it becomes
electric and vibrates with its own heartbeat
pulsing with excitement. Where the Air becomes
Alive with Promise, and Hope...

December is the most invigorating month of the entire
year. The air is sweeter, brighter, crisp and filled with Sparks
of Hope, Light and Love that bring the feeling that Anything and
everything is not only possible, but the endless
possibilities that fill every thought, deed and action
arise and take hold of your heart, where Faith
takes flight and directs your every move.

Holidays 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Thanksgiving... Life on the Streets 2019

Gratitude... A Life on the Streets

Thanksgiving 2019

And the tradition continues.... another day of a life
on the street for another Thanksgiving.

Spending the day with a stack of books, unless I am
able to find some place to Volunteer, but this is the time of year
that is overflowing with volunteers making up for the rest
of the year of them letting it go by the wayside
, so if I cannot find a plce to volunteer (which is something I have
done throughout my life, not just the decades outside and through the
Holidays, as well, if help is needed and not filled) reading
in the park, walking through and in Nature and counting my Blessings.

A tradition I never once dreamed would be my life, of
living on the streets, has become my very existence.
But counting my Blessings has become a staple of life,
every moment of it. Reading in the park on the Holidays is
another tradition, because everything is closed, volunteering is
over-filled, and I have nowhere or place to go or be...
so reading makes the time go by quickly, and I
do not have to think about life.

Just take in the smells, listen to nature's orchestra
and feel grateful just to BE in the moment,
surrounded by the Beauty of Nature and all
Her Gifts the animals bring to my heart.

I have much to be Grateful for, which I
keep having to redirect my focus on, otherwise,
life takes hold and reality smashes into
my face and the circumstance I have been
forced to endure decade after decade.

Some things I am Grateful for;
- Having access to clean water to drink
- Having access to restrooms to cleanup in, change and 
wash my hair in the icy cold water from the sink
- Being literate and able to read and write with proficiency
- Having the means to do laundry when I need to
- Having clothes to wear
- Having a body that continues to hold me up
- Having many in Law Enforcement on my side
- Receiving Help that have been treasured gifts
- Being able to Communicate in a variety of ways
- Having a good, portable toothbrush
- Being able to make great coffee without a coffeemaker
- Being able to volunteer to work with animals

These are just a few things I am deeply, truly Grateful for.

Many other things come to mind of what I am Grateful
for. And I count Blessing after Blessing throughout the day
and it keeps me pressing on to face another day without
a home. But Purpose and Meaning have Eclipsed my life.
What are the lessons I am supposed to learn being
forced to live outside, without a home, indefinitely?
Whatever the lessons are suppose to be,
it is not something I have been able to cull
from. How do you draw a meaningful and
purposeful life when you are forced into a
circumstance not of your choosing and
you lose youself in the process?

And while I will never be Grateful for being forced from my home
by and through the illegal actions of a despicable landlord,
living on the streets teaches you about Life in the very
literal sense;

You learn how to be resilent and how to use what you have
all around you, while improvising every moment of every day and
all through the night. Street life teaches you how to persevre
through the worst (of) what life throws at you, and all you experience
and face with life without the comfort and security of a home.
There is no way to prepare for and nothing prepares you
for street life, even when fully immersed in it.

But the Gratitude stems from what I have learned
and how to become while living on the street;
The strength that has come forth that I never knew
was there, learning how to quickly adapt to
anything and everything that comes my way, or I am
forced to endure, how to let go and move on and
keep moving forward.

The Tradtion now unfolding and becoming the staple
of life... is how to live when you merely exist, while
around the Fringes of Life itself.Every moment of
every day, Each and every Holiday and Winter, Summer,
Spring and Fall. A Tradition that is a
Century in the Making.

Another Thanksgiving steeped in the
Non-Traditional specs of Street life.

Thanksgiving Blessings.