Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Birthday Dreams...

Birthday Dreams…

My birthday dream, wish, hope and prayer for today….
Is something I will never have in my life…

My 17th birthday spent on the streets…. Coming into my 18th Anniversary of
having to live on the streets, and heading into my 19th Holiday Season 
without a home. People have been born and already completed 
high school in the lifetimes I have been forced to live life on the streets.

Not a place anyone should have to spend their lives,
much less their birthdays. Or any Holidays, for that matter.
Being cast to the side, sidelined from the mainstreams of life.
A day that really should never have come about, in any sense of 
the word.  Life takes cruel turns and sharp veers off the roads…..
and drops you from any semblance that life once held.

I never imagined that life, my life, would be halted indefinitely, 
forced to live on the streets that all started by and through the 
illegal actions of a landlord, and perpetuated by the cruel system 
that claims to offer their so-called “help”, but only if you fit the 
extremely narrow confines of the requirements; 
have the life destroying habits of 

- cigarettes, 
- alcohol,
- chemical dependencies,
- or have dependent children,
- be an illegal immigrant,
- or be a senior citizen.

When you are clean, nothing in the form of any assistance exists.

My life being removed right before my very eyes….

My Birthday Wish…. My Birthday Hope….My Birthday Prayer…
is to feel amazing, be pain free, and live in the privacy of my own home.
Have the privacy to use a real bathroom for all I need to do, instead of 
being on full display every moment of the day and all through the night…
have a real kitchen to cook, prepare and store foods,
have a real bed to sleep in and finally get the rest my body has been
deprived of for decades. And just BE without having the cops
called on me for just being present, or being harassed
for not having a home to go to.

Decades of my life have been removed and discarded.
Those years cannot be restored or replaced.
And not ones I want to remember.

So Happy Birthday to me, again……
Another one without a home and alone.
A life that is becoming more wasted and withered with
each passing moment having to spend it outside.

Life atrophying with each breath…like a decaying residue.

Happy Birthday!!!