Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Living Holidays on the Streets... 2017

Living Holidays on the Streets
and every day of the year....2017

Another Holiday Season is here, yet again. Thanksgiving, then followed
very soon by Christmas. Turning this into my 18th one spent on the
streets, alone. I am thankful for what I have, and that I am safe,
more or less, where I stay.  And thankful to see another
day, week, month and year.... still breathing.
I have to focus on what little good is coming into my life,
otherwise, I would be so overwhelmed with the bad,
it would literally consume my life whole....

I Will likely find some place to Volunteer for a few hours,
just to have some place to BE that is not outside.
I no longer look forward to this time of year, Holiday-Wise,
haven't for a very long time. When you have no place to go or BE,
especially around the Holidays, and when you see and hear about
everyone else having this place to go, and these things to do.....
you can't help but feeling a little left out from life.

And not asked to be part of it, or share in it in any way.  So you find you
have to be your own cheerleader, your own council, and be happy
with who you are, just as you are.  And let go where and when you can.
But that is not so easy when you don' have that much needed support....
that love, that connection that Life is supposed to be about.

So at times, I put life on Hiatus.... and stop engaging with life.
Could be for hours, days, weeks, months, and in some cases.... even years.
That is what being on the streets for so long does to you, changes you
in so many ways, I cannot convey to the extent how much,
only that it does and everything in life.
It changes you as person; a living, feeling, being,
changes your heart, mind, body and soul.

Writing remains my outlet of choice, along with reading volumes of books,
meditating every morning, and most evenings.... just to feel some connection,
which generally presents itself around me in the form of feathers and fur,
wings and song.  Nature plays on my heart like nothing I have ever experienced.
And brings so much comfort and relief to my heart, knowing that
Nature has embraced me with all her beautiful and disturbing
creatures who share my days and nights with me.
An acceptance that has never been experienced
anywhere else, or from anyone else.

This has been the worst decade of my life....2017 one of the worst years,
and I have experienced a few along the way.  Made ever more challenging
by a body that is in constant and perpetual disagreement with itself.
The argument is on-going and I cannot ever remember a time when
there wasn't one. But has increased a 1,000 fold over
having to live without a real home, a real bed, a real bathroom with privacy....
and no place to store, prepare and cook my own food.

Recently, though, that has improved slightly in the way of being able to
cook some foods with a little folding camp stove I recently received.
Which I am deeply grateful to have and be able to use.
Though, I am still unable to store foods.... I am able, little by little,
to do a little bit of cooking, which has made a tremendous difference.
But when the weather turns sour, with the high winds and rains.....
the little stove is not usable. And since I have no shelter and no place out
of the stormy weather, I can only use the stove when weather permits.

Life.... Never once did I ever think that it would be a forced existence on the streets.
But facing my 18th Holiday and Winter Season outside, still, has shoved that
reality in my face BIG TIME. Holidays and Winter, are just more days
spent on the streets. Meaning nothing more than nasty weather
to contend with, and much shorter days.

But the Colors of Fall.... MY Colors, the colors I wear and have always
brought comfort to my heart and soul seeing the warm glow of
beauty all around me. Though I am no longer a fan of the Holidays,
I am a lover of Autumn; Everything about the Season....
the colors, the cool, crisp air, the smell
of seasoned wood burning in fireplaces.... I just don't care for
Thanksgiving, the day itself, which comes towards the end of Fall.

Living on the streets is like living in some kind of warped dream....
a recurring nightmare that you can never wake from.

Spending anytime of consequence having to live on the streets, takes a hard
pounding to your life, your body.... your mind, and deeply affects your heart.
I can still see a small shadow of life before the streets..... but the
image fades quickly when I try to fully embrace it and feel 
what it had been like.
It is not something that holds any substance.
Just slivers of a dream that you don't want to wake from and
be back in the nightmare reality of merely existing on the
periphery of society, of humanity, … of Life.