Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Voided Existence...

A Voided Existence…

Life on the streets…. A Voided Existence. Not seen as a real, living,

breathing, feeling being. But rather viewed and treated as nothing

more than a circumstance. People avoid your friendship, avoid your reaching

out to connect on a level, any level, only to be disregarded time and again,

all because of a circumstance that changes our living

arrangements, but nothing else.

Living on the streets impacts your life in a myriad of ways,

not the least of which is your heart. People are always afraid

of what they don’t understand, but they don’t want to take

the time to do so. Take a close look around, look at the scenery…..

you will notice us if you really take the time to look.

We are people, just like everyone else

on the planet. But that is not what people choose to see when they

look at us without seeing anything but trash and debris,

treating us as such. Sometime, take time to look at us, really see us….

Then take the time to do what most do not; make eye contact,

offer a kind word, or even a friendly and warm “hello”.

Both the giver and the receiver will receive a beautiful gift.

But it all starts by actually taking the time to see the people, and not

the circumstance they find themselves in.

The simple act of just offering a warm friendly greeting benefits

everyone involved. Yet, seems to be the hardest for people to actually do.

If people could donate encouragement, the world would be a much nicer

place to be all around. Imagine what it would be like if people took the

time to consider where and to whom their donations go, when they

donate whether it be to food banks, charities, or shelters…

if they took the time to actually see the recipient of their goods and

services, when the recipient receives the support and encouragement

from items received by and through a note of encouragement that

was included with each of the items.

That would do more good, than the actual donated item.

If only each child were taught and learned that just by being

born, their very presence matters, to life and to the world.

That the world would not be the same without them in it.

That they are valued and their life enhances everyone else’s.

That would be a turning point for the world…. There would no

longer be the massive violence and hate the world over…instead,

there would be compassion, love, and a strong willingness to help

and be involved. Because Love HEALS, where Hate DESTROYS.

Those of us on the street are on the receiving end of HATE in

massive waves, with very little in the way of love

shown to us, for a circumstance we were forced into….

Not one of our choosing. When you hit rock bottom in

all its varied forms….

How wonderful would it be to receive encouragement and support

by a thoughtful message attached to needed clothing or food they

receive from a donation center? Consider adding a little something

in the way of few words of encouragement when you choose to

donate anything in the future, knowing that by doing so you are

sure to brighten someone else’s day that is viewed as being in the gutter,

by society’s standards. See the person behind the circumstance,

and not the circumstance, or set of circumstances, itself.

Let us fill that void of existence that those of us on the

streets are branded and feel on the deepest levels.

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