Monday, June 26, 2017

Because Life Happens...

Because Life Happens….

I find myself forced to live on the streets…..Because Life Happens.
Plans go by the wayside, and time and again, Life happens…. And
interferes and gets in the way of living.

Because Life happens, it loses meaning and has no
purpose to any of it. I still expect to
receive any of the promises of life we were promised in God’s word,
the Bible….such as; “I Have Plans for
Your Life to be Prosperous and not Harm You”.
Still waiting for that promise to be kept. Because Life Happens….
Life has been very Harmful, Devastating, Ugly…..
Because Life Happens…. Life has been overall unpleasant.

Because Life Happens… people are readily denied the services
and assistance they need. Because Life Happens,
Wars are an ever-present presence in our lives. Because Life Happens….
Death is all around us. Because Life happens….Life is what it is.

Because Life happens….. people are forced to live their life,
or rather, their merest existence, on the streets…. I was given a life sentence
by and through the illegal actions of others. Memories the body remembers,
even when you do not want to remember. Because Life Happens….
Your body never forgets. It remembers in pain, and never lets you or allows you to forget. 
Because Life Happens…. Things happen that are completely out of our control...
We have Regrets, We become Nostalgic, We Consume, We make Mistakes,
We Measure Time, We Compare, We Compete, We Learn, We Grow. 

Because Life Happens… Life is as it is. Because Life happens….
We BREATHE, We Live, We Love, We Grieve, We Hope,
We Die….. All Because Life Happens.

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