Labor Day, September 1, 2014, of this year marked my 14th Year Anniversary of
being on the streets, making this Holiday and Winter Season my 15th year to endure
out here. Seems like a lifetime and beyond since that beautiful luxury of a home
was a part of my life... Days wear on you, while nights cling tighter like a shawl
around your shoulders. Time loses meaning when you are out here. Days blending
and blurring into one long continuous length of time, nights repeating themselves
on a loop, like a broken record that gets caught in a groove. Wearing on you,
weighing on you, yet continue to push forward. I often wonder what keeps
pushing me forward, to what end, really. Caught in a vicious catch-22.
And the cycle continues...
Priorities on the streets changes in every facet. Surviving becomes an essential asset.
Learning what truly matters in the most deepest sense. Life takes on a whole new
meaning on the streets, and finding some way to fill even partially the most
basic needs... food, water, shelter, clothing. Sometimes, there is food, water is
easier to find, in the way of drinking water, though finding the water to clean up
brings a slew of other challenges to the forefront, not to mention a place or rather
places, where the actual clean up takes place. Clothing is probably the easiest to
come by, as donations are abundant in that regard, however ill fitting the clothes
may be, you can always find something to wear. As for shelter, that is something
entirely different, and one of the most, if not the most, challenging of all.
My thermos has served me quite well, and continues to be the best thing I have
while having to endure this lifetime out here. No more illusions of a home, as those
have long since been cast to the wayside. How would I list landlords, when it was by
and through the illegal actions of a landlord that put me out here in the first place??
How would I get references? Been repeatedly denied my credit reports, because I do
not have phone bills and utilities listed in my name that goes to a physical address.
Though, I am charged by others accessing my information, regardless of how erroneous
it is, yet, I have been denied access to my own information. Even using various
organization letter heads, along with SSI statements, all to no avail. Not to mention
all the costs and fees involved, background check, credit check, application fees,
first, last, and security... oh, let the games begin.
There continues to be a core set of people insisting I must be out here by choice, after all,
they claim there is so much "help" available to those who need it. Something I have
never, not once, found to be true, in any regard. And not a single person who has said
this to me has ever come with me on any part of this journey... and not a single one
would be able to manage a single night, much less the
endless years that I have been forced to.
Facing another anniversary of being on the streets is an anniversary I truly wish I
never had to experience even once, much less the 14 I have now faced and fully
experienced, in more ways than I could ever convey in any capacity.
Meditation still permeates my mornings, helping me to face the day and night ahead.
While Nature's Beautiful furry and feathered friends are my co-conspirators and
closest confidants, as we share our time together through the night and into the
mornings.... they bring a lightness to my heart and keep me going and
putting one foot in front of the other, moving forward, to
wherever the road may lead.
Writing continues to be my drug of choice, along with the volumes of books I go
through all the time. Keeps me connected and matter where I am,
I always have a notebook at the ready, and more often than not, a few books, too.