Birthdays to Myself...
Birthdays... this is my 22nd Birthday on the street.
Just another irrelevant day, another forgotten day.
And when they pass each year, living on the
streets, they come and go without fanfare,
A day that should be scratched from Existence...
my life being erased before my eyes on the streets.
Marking my 22nd birthday on the streets, with the
23rd anniversary looming just days away... while
heading into my 24th Holiday and Winter Season
outside. Never realizing that when I was forced
into this Season.... that it would be Permanent.
You lose yourself on the streets, and get lost
in the debris of humanity and
the undersides of life.
Spending the day in Nature and listening to her song;
while walking through her Beauty all around, meditating
and reading. How most of my days are spent, regardless
of the day. Living on the streets, every day is a mirror image
of all the ones before, and all the ones to come. The only
things that give any indication that anything is different is
the weather and the temperatures, the colors of the
seasons' cycles, otherwise, each day is exactly like
all the other days, days and nights blending
seamlessly into each other.
Time has no meaning on the streets. Two o'clock in the
afternoon may as well be seven o'clock in the morning.
5:00 AM or 10:30 PM....time is fluid and bendable,
contracting, expanding... or stopping altogether,
disappear, reappear and flow faster.
My one and only Birthday wish... is to finally awake
from the nightmare of living on the streets and
find that it was just that, a Nightmare where
time suspended completely and life itself restarted
as I wake from the dream world, with all the
lessons learned, everything I taught myself
remaining intact, while the hard corrosion
of life on the streets vanishing like
it never happened.
Another birthday on the streets... Another day,
like any other, on the streets as the nightmare
I cannot wake from continues to run...
Not a Birthday Gift I ever dreamed of
having or receiving...
Birthday notes to myself...
Happy Birthday