Friday, February 7, 2020

Overpass Living

Overpass Lives...

Life on the Streets

Mud Embankments, weather in all extreme, gorging 
insects, hunger...These are just a few of things that life turns 
into when you are forced to live, or rather merely exist, on the 
outer outskirts of life itself. Living in a Subculture of 
existence. Into a Dimension all its own.

Survival mode becomes the ever-present setting of all you 
do. It becomes the Default setting. A setting that you 
cannot turn off. Life has never come easily to me. 
 I have never mastered the cadence or nuances, aside from 
that of Nature. Life remains elusive and out of reach. 
A life of Influence, of Impact, of Meaning, of Purpose... 
a Life that Matters, in the truest sense, happen 
only in Dreams, if even then.

Labels and erroneous assumptions mark your passing
just for being in a circumstance not of your choosing.
Judged immediately for just being present. Being assigned
a classification solely based on your circumstance,
put into a specific character form in a role that has been...
and continues to be, grossly ill-fitted and ill-fitting.

Cast into a role that was never meant to be.
But one that I have been forced into.
Forced and boxed into a Stereotype of
Characterization. And into a Journey through
the bowels of hell....A Journey I never wanted to take.
That is what life on the streets is like.

And living on the streets, people believe that you
are now the repository for all their castoffs and
discards they are looking to relieve themselves of,
that have long since lost there usefulness. We are not
the drop off stations for their unwanted junk. But
People come to the conclusion that once we are living
without a home, that gives them instant permission for us
to immediately become there dumping ground repository 
station for all their unwelcome, unwanted
junk, trash and debris. They think and believe that
just because our circumstances have changed,
that we are there just for them to unload
everything on us, Burdening us with their trash.

The Stereotypical version of the Homeless is rarely the
ACTUAL version of what being Homeless truly is.
Over-passed, Overlooked....but the depiction of what a
Homeless person is supposed to be like is all wrong, and
mis-counted when they do their “Census” surveys,
because we do not look the part, so we are egregiously
under-counted, again and again. But the Services in
place are not for the people living on the streets, it is to
cover the overhead, the payroll, and reams of paper for
the forms for all these agencies purported to be there to
help us, when those of us outside are not the ones who
benefit from the funding these places receive. It is the
PROGRAMS who benefit at our expense.

So nature continues to embrace me when Life has all but
forgotten all about me. Animals, my trusted friends
and deepest confidants, share my days and nights.
Embracing me in a way people, and LIFE, never has.
Listening to Nature and her Orchestra nourishes
my heart, while filling an emptiness I didn't
realize was even there.

Ever forget where you left something; keys, phone, coffee...
or forgot what something feels like; the texture of grass,
fresh fruit, a shower or a bed? I can no longer recall or remember
what a hot shower feels like, or what any shower feels like,
or what it feels like to clean up in anything but icy
cold water, regardless of the temperature, or
what it feels like to sleep in bed, undisturbed.

Likely lose the sense of what it is like to be a living,
breathing human being, as the longer I am forced to the
edges of the merest existence, the sentience part of my being is
loosening its grip, lessening more and more, minute by minute,
draining the very life out of me, going from a living, feeling,
breathing being to a dry, desert lanscape of existence.